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You never realise how much you change just to achieve one thing...

The dance being tomorrow, I had to bring my plan in action, or in other words mine and diego's plan in action, we had maths at the moment, knowning our teacher wasn't present today, deigo and I had agreed to give the plan a go

Diego went to class before me, we has decided that I join him later, that way no one would know that we were interacting..

I closed my locker taking my math notebook out..As I made my way to the class room, I heard some one calling my name as I turned around in search for the person that was calling me

I smiled as I saw alex standing in front of me with a small smile on his face...alex and I had interacted on several occasions, unlike the rest of the boys here he didn't pretend I was Invisible and that made me happy

"Hey" I said with a smile, the first true smile of the day

"Hey back, can I ask you something?" He asked rubbing the back of his head as if he was nervous

"Yeah" I nodded

"Would you be my date to tomorrow's dance?"

Ok that wasn't what I was expecting, I mean I thought he would want notes or something

"Actually I'm going with d.." I stopped when I say what I was about to blurt out

I couldn't tell him I was going with diego, he will go tell someone and that Someone will go tell leon, and he will know Somethings up, or he'll just kill deigo for talking to me...either way was too risky

I looked at the confused alex infron of me, great, no one asks me out and when someone does I have to reject them..ughh

"I didn't plan on going with anyone actually" I said with a guilty smile, lying has been the most common thing to me now a days

"Oh ok" said alex as he turned away form me going his way

Stupid plan, it even changed my social life

I sighed as I felt really bad...wait bad? Deigo..The plan...ah great I was late

I rushed to class as no substitute was there, I thanked god under my breath as I looked for where the hell diego Was...I saw fran sitting on leon's desk while there was a crowd of others around them, fran was writing something while leon was looking at her, she must be explaining maths to him again...

"Finally" I heard someone whispered in my ear as I quickly turned back to see who it was but everyone was busy in their own worlds as I turned back, I saw a smirking deigo looking at me, ugh who did I team up with? He gave me a nod as he made his way towards Francesca...

Yeah my choice of partner wasn't the very best

"Hey fran?" He said as fran stopped writing and looked at him, leon too was looking at him by now

"Hey hernandez" fran greeted him with his surname like always

"Could you let of go of maths for a While? I need to ask me something" deigo asked as I sat on my seat to make it not obvious

Fran closed her notebook putting her pen down, the crowd had cleared from leon's table as only fran, leon and deigo were left..

Let's hope this works

"Happy?" Fran asked with a fake smile as I smiled shaking my head, she gave up maths, isn't that something?

"Yes thank you very much" diego said returning the fake smile, as fran laughed getting up from leon's desk and standing infront of deigo with arms crossed across her chest and her eye brows raised indicating deigo to ask his question..

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