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You'd think that I was a person that over thought everything, oh who am I kidding I am...no I was a person that over thought stuff and that was the main reason why I got into messes in my life..

I walked through the hallway of our building with a smile on my face as finally something good was happening, fran and leon were finally going to the dance together, it was now a matter of time that they would get together...

I was going to the dance with diego and I didn't care that I couldn't tell anyone about it, all I cared about was that I had someone on my side and I can't believe I'm even saying this but I've come to trust diego, I mean he went against leon, what other proof do I need to know that he's on my side?

"Vilu, Vilu?" I heard shouting from the back...I turned around to see Cami and Ludmilla running towards me

"Hey guys" I said with a smile, I really hadn't had the time to talk to them after the whole dare thing

"Hey yourself, you got a date with Diego" Cami said as my eyes went wide, no one beside diego and I knew about that...oh god this shouldn't be turning out like this

"Oh don't worry, Diego told us" Ludmilla said as she smiled at me, I returned the smile nervously not knowing what was happening...why would Diego tell them?

"Yeah it was all last minute, that's why I didn't tell you" I said as they nodded saying 'it's okay'....great I was lying to my best friends, can this get any better...

"Well see you at the dance" Cami said as I nodded still not getting anything...I waved my hand at them as they left to their dorms

Why in the world would Diego tell them? Wasn't he afraid that leon would find out? Well I guess that's something else I'm about to find out..

I opened the apartment door and as I opened it I bumped into Fede

"Sorry Vilu, in a hurry" Fede said rushing out the door as I shook my head turning to Fran who was sat on the couch

"He realised that it's time he gutted up and asked Ludmilla to the dance" Fran said pressing on the TV remote as she was flipping through the channels...we All know how this one is gonna end

I took my jacket off hanging it on the hook as I heard Leon come out of his room...here goes the ignoring

"Dude stay at one channel will ya?" Came a shout from Leon as I turned around and back to them...he had sat on the side chair like usual

"Not my fault I don't like anything" Fran said in a lazy tone as she continued changing the channels

"You're not even looking at the TV" Leon said to her and he was right, fran  was on her phone, bad thing was he couldn't take the remote from her, the first rule we put when we moved here was that the person who got the remote first had total control over the TV..

"Ughh leave that, do you have a dress for tomorow?" Leon asked fran as fran looked at him as if he had said something in alien...I smiled at Fran's reaction as I realised I myself didn't have a dress...oh god I need to find one quick

"Wait a what?" Fran asked as she put away her phone and put the remote  down, I chuckled lightly as leon hit his forehead with his head shaking his head

"A dress Cesca, you know the thing that girls wear to formal things or don't you have something like that?" Leon said as Fran glared at him throwing a pillow at him while leon laughed

"I don't have a dress" Fran said like it was the most obvious thing as leon rolled his eyes, before he could say anything fran turned her head to my direction

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