Chapter -5

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Suddenly, I tripped and fell, and everything went black. When I woke up, I was lying in my bed, with cold sweat on my forehead. It was a really scary and confusing experience, and I didn't know what to make of it.

So when I woke up, it was already past 8 in the morning. I felt really tired and groggy, but I knew that I had to get up and start my day.

I did my morning routine, after taking a warm shower and i got dressed. After that, I sat down on my bed and started thinking about what happened to me last night.

I was really confused and scared, and I didn't know what to make of it. Suddenly, I heard a slow knocking on my mom came into my room and asked me for help.

Y/n's mom: I have to go somewhere...could you help me buy groceries....

I didn't really want to go, but I didn't have a choice. so I said yes.

Y/n: Ok mom, I will buy it, don't worry.

My mom gave a light smile and she left and I got ready to go out and buy the groceries.

It was a really boring and mundane task, but I knew that I had to do it. I put on my shoes and walked out of the house, feeling a bit nervous and apprehensive.

She went to the grocery store to pick up some things. She got all the things from her list. When she came out, she saw her old high school friend.

Y/n saw her first but she wanted to ignore her and want to reach home . But her friend was already waving at her. Y/n was taken aback and didn't really want to talk to her, but she didn't have a choice.

Y/n's Friend: Hey, it's been a while. How have you been?

Y/n: I've been good, thanks. How about you?

Y/n's Friend: I've been doing pretty well. I can't believe it's been so long since we talked.

Y/n: Yeah, it has been a while. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch.

Y/n's Friend: It's okay, I understand. So, what have you been up to lately?

Y/n: Not much, just working a lot. How about you?

Y/n's Friend: Same here, just trying to stay busy. Hey, do you want to grab a coffee or something?

Y/n didn't really want to spend time with her, but she didn't want to be rude,

Y/n: Actually, I have a lot of work to do, so I should probably head home. But I can walk with you if you're going the same way.

Y/n's Friend: That sounds good. Thanks for walking with me.

While walking home she asked further about her...

Y/n's Friend: So, how's work been going for you lately?

Y/n: It's been pretty busy, but I'm managing. How about you?

Y/n's Friend: Same here, but I'm glad to have a job. I just wish it wasn't so stressful all the time.

Y/n's: Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in work.

Y/n's Friend: Right? It's like we're expected to do more and more with less and less time.

Y/n: Exactly. I just hope things get better soon.

Y/n's Friend: Me too. Oh, it looks like we're almost at my place. Thanks for walking me home.

Y/n: No problem. It was good to catch up with you.

Y/n's Friend: Definitely. We should do this again sometime.

Dreaming Of Love ||Jungkook FF||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt