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After few weeks.....

One night, as she's sitting by the river with Jungkook,

Y/n finally musters the courage to ask him..

Y/n: Jungkook , are you real??

Jungkook looks at her, his eyes full of sadness.
"I'm real to you, aren't I?" he says.
"That's all that matters."

She was holding back her tears....

Y/n: Jungkook.. her voice came out as a whisper. *She was unable to form words*

Y/n: Jungkook, I can't help.The weight of our love, the longing for something more tangible, it's all crashing down on me.

He deeply stared into her eyes... *He paused for some min and then said*

Jungkook: Love can be a beautiful yet complicated journey, filled with highs and lows. It's okay to cry and let your emotions flow freely.

Y/n: *sniffles* I just wish I could hold you, feel your warmth, and know that you're here with me. It's hard to find comfort in a love that exists beyond the boundaries of reality.

Jungkook: I wish I could be there, y/n. To wipe away your tears and hold you close. But even though I can't be there, please know that my love for you is real and unwavering.

Y/n: *sobs* I know, Jungkook. It's just... sometimes it feels like I'm holding onto a dream, and I'm scared of losing myself in this illusion. I want our love to be more than just a figment of my imagination.

Jungkook: Our love is not just an illusion. It's the connection we share, the memories we've created, and the emotions we feel. It's as real as any love can be.

Y/n: *sniffles* Thank you, Jungkook. Thank you, for being there for me, everytime I need you . Thank you, for everything. I'll hold onto our love, even if it exists in a different realm. I won't let my fears overshadow what we have.

He encouraged her with his big bunny smile...

Jungkook: That's the spirit, y/n. Our love is unique, and whether in dreams or reality.

Y/n: *wipes away tears*

They both stared at the night sky, feeling the depth of their emotions, and finding solace in the knowledge that their love would endure, no matter the circumstances.

She just kept looking at the stars because she wanted this night to never end and she would always sit like this with Jungkook.

Time passed....
After One year.....

Y/n: Mom, Hurry up! We are gonna be late....MOM!

Y/n's mother: Don't worry Sweetie! We'll get on time.

After 20 mins of drive, they reached to the psychologist....

Psychologist (Mrs. Kim) : Are you ready for today's interview?

Y/n: Yes! Super nervous and also super excited! *She said while making a nervous face*

Mrs. Kim: Don't worry, I know you will gonna rock this interview. *Smiles*

Y/n: Yes madam!! *They both started laughing*

* In these three years, Y/n got continuous treatment and her attitude had completely changed, she had become very friendly towards Mrs. Kim.*

Y/n's mother: Is this really safe Mrs. Kim, for her to go now.... * She was little tense about y/n*

Y/n: Mom! *She said in a annoyed tone*

Dreaming Of Love ||Jungkook FF||Where stories live. Discover now