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Next morning...

Y/N: *wakes up and sees Eva at her window, feeling startled*

Y/N: *confused and wary* Eva, what are you doing here? How did you get into my room?

Eva: *smirks and mocks* Oh, good morning, sleeping beauty. Did you have a nice dream about Jungkook choosing me over you?

Y/N: *defensive and determined* Look, Eva, I don't know what you're trying to prove, but Jungkook's actions don't define my worth.

Eva: *laughs sarcastically* Oh, honey, you're in denial. He's mine now, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Y/N: *calmly but firmly* Eva, I won't let your words get to me. If Jungkook made that choice, then I wish you both the best. But remember, true love isn't built on deceit and betrayal.

Eva: *glares, her voice dripping with venom* We'll see who he chooses in the end, sweetheart. Just wait and watch your little fairytale crumble.

Y/N: *smiles confidently* Time will reveal the truth, Eva. And when it does, I'll be standing strong, ready to move forward with or without Jungkook.

Eva couldn't listen anymore so she angrily left the room.

Y/N: *watches Eva leave the room, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety*

Y/N: *takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts*

Y/N: *feeling anxious, wonders what Eva's next move might be*

Y/N: *decides to stay strong and not let Eva's words affect her confidence**reminds herself that she deserves happiness and won't let anyone bring her down*

Y/n just wanted jungkook to explain everything and then she saw jungkook..

Y/N's heart skips a beat as she sees Jungkook standing by her window. Her emotions swirl, leaving her feeling emotionally and mentally vulnerable. Emotions flood her mind - confusion, hurt, and longing.With a trembling voice, she musters the courage to speak up.

Y/n: "Jungkook... where have you been? Please, I need you to explain everything. I want to understand why... why you were with her."I need you to explain everything, every feeling, every moment.

Her voice quivers with a mix of pain and longing, hoping for an honest explanation from Jungkook. Her voice trembles with a mix of vulnerability and hope.

Jungkook's heart aches as he holds Y/N in his arms, feeling the weight of her pain. He gently strokes her hair, his voice filled with tenderness.

Jungkook : "Y/N, I can see the hurt in your eyes, and it breaks me to see you like this. But please, let me explain.
That day with Eva, it was purely coincidental. We ran into each other by chance, and I couldn't just ignore her. I wanted to reassure her that we were just friends, nothing more. I never meant to make you doubt us."

Y/N's tears continue to flow, but she listens intently, wanting to understand.

Y/n:"Jungkook, it's just... I saw you together, and my mind couldn't help but jump to conclusions. I love you so much, and the thought of losing you terrifies me."

Jungkook's grip tightens, his voice filled with conviction.

Jungkook:"Y/N, you mean everything to me. I would never do anything to jeopardize our love. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I'll do whatever it takes to prove my loyalty. Please, trust me, and let's work through this together."

Y/N looks up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of doubt and hope.

Y/n: "Jungkook, I want to trust you, but it's going to take time. Can we take things slow and rebuild that trust?"

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