The Beginning

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To start off, I'm gonna give a little backstory on Ice Dream "Icey" (Who is my oc), if you don't know what she looks like here's a picture of her.

To start off, I'm gonna give a little backstory on Ice Dream "Icey" (Who is my oc), if you don't know what she looks like here's a picture of her

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That's what she looks like. Here's her backstory. Her parents' names are Froza Thorne (Mom) and Mudd Dream (Dad), she has two sisters, an older one and a younger one, Galaxia Dream (Older) and Raina Dream (Younger) which makes Icey yes, a middle child and she HATES it. For starters, Her parents and sisters were very physically and verbally abusive towards her, to the point where her parents kicked her out and she decided to run away to her aunt's and uncle's house at the age of 9, who are VERY nice people. Her parents and siblings are also very sexist and homophobic, which is the opposite of Icey. In fact, in Icey's friend group, she represents the element of acceptance. She lived at her aunt's and uncle's until about the age of 15. During the time of living with her aunt and uncle, she got diagnosed with OCD due to HORRIBLE intrusive thoughts and compulsions she would get, she also got diagnosed with bipolar disorder due to multiple episodes of manic and depression and even some mixed episodes too and she got diagnosed with endometriosis due to complications she had with her cycles. At the age of 15, her parents bribed her to live with them in a new apartment that they just bought and said that they had changed and Icey believed them until well......they were still VERY physically and verbally abusive towards her and she found out that the only reason they bought that apartment is so they could be associated with a famous person (Icey is a Dancer, Actress and Artist). Around the age of 16, she had appendicitis and her friends immediately rushed her to the hospital. Her parents also moved out when she was also about 16, right before she had appendicitis and decided to go live with her older sister, so now she lives alone and she LOVES IT!!! I'm not gonna tell Sunset's backstory because, we already know that by now. Icey and Sunset met at the Freshman Fair. Icey was with her best friend Sirena at the time taking a look at everything and meeting everyone, until when Sirena was gone for a little bit and Icey was looking for her and wasn't watching where she was going when.....well.....she bumps into Sunset and um.....this is how it went.

Sunset: *Suddenly realizes that Icey has bumped into her and aggressively turns around.* DID YOU JUST BUMP INTO ME?!?! *She says to Icey in a mean tone.*

Icey: Uh yeah, I did. It was an accident, I didn't mean to. Why are you so offended by it??? *She says to Sunset.*

Sunset: EXCUSE ME!?! I'm sorry but no one bumps into me, not even on accident. *She says in a very condescending way to Icey, clearly trying to scare her.*

Icey: I'm sorry, but no one gets away with talking to me like a 5 year old. *She also says in a very condescending way, clearly not scared of Sunset.*

Sunset: Oh you think you can challenge me, well then you wait till the first day of school where I'll be waiting right when you enter the school and I know for sure, you'll never mess with me again. *She says in a very condescending way to Icey, still tryna scare her.*

Icey: And I'll make sure to be there. I won't miss it for a thing! *Icey responds.*

Icey then finds Sirena and tells her about what just went on and continues to be with her and her new friends (Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy) for the remainder of the Freshman Fair. Icey then gets home gets home and finally sits in bed where she can relax when she then realizes that she can't get Sunset outta her head, her beauty, her attitude, her's like she had a crush on her worst enemy, it just didn't sit right for her. She didn't think of this before because she was too distracted hanging out with her friends. Was this true feelings or was it her OCD??? She was on meds for her OCD, so it couldn't have been that. She quite liked her thoughts too, so they were definitely not intrusive, but still the feeling didn't sit right for her. The fact that she had a crush on her worst enemy felt kinda weird, yet she enjoyed it at the same time??? She also was having thoughts about her sexuality because she was raised (with the exception of her aunt and uncle) in a very homophobic family, so she had very little education of sexual orientations. She  only started learning about this stuff recently and came to terms that she wasn't homophobic, but she was still unsure of her own sexuality, so this led her to think things like, "I thought I was straight!", "Am I gay??? I've totally had feelings for men too!", "No, I'm totally not gay or straight!", "Am I bi??? No I'm not bi because I think I've had feelings for trans and non-binary people too!". She then goes on her computer at around 2am covered in blankets and looks up "What's it called when you're attracted to people of all genders???", She then see's the results and sees that it's called "Pansexual". She looks at it and covers her mouth in absolute surprise. She knew this was her, she just didn't wanna admit it. It kinda took her a while to come to terms with her pansexuality, but even then she was afraid to come out to her friends and aunt and uncle because what would they think of her??? Would they think she's weird or would they not wanna be her friend anymore or would her aunt and uncle disown her and kick her out??? She was terrified and so, she decided to keep to herself until she's ready. On the other hand, Sunset came home and felt nothing. She already knew her sexuality and came to terms with it, although she did have a dream where she went out on a date with Icey, which is probably a sign of something.

Love Story (Ice Dream and Sunset's version)Where stories live. Discover now