New School

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The next day, Sunset gets up around 4:30 am so she could be at school extra early to surprise her enemy. She gets fully ready and is out the door by about 5:30ish and dashs out the door so she could make sure she gets there before Icey. Icey wakes up around 6:00 am because she wanted to take it easy on herself for the first day of school and get some extra sleep in so she's fully prepared for everything that's about to go on. She takes her shower, puts on her clothes, packs her things and by 7:00 am, she's out the door. Sunset shows up at school at around 5:45 am and waits by the lockers for Icey to show up. She ends up waiting by the door for quite a while, but she's still standing there waiting for Icey to make her appearance. At around 7:15am, Icey finally shows up and gets very startled right when she sees Sunset. She kinda forgot that Sunset was waiting for her inside the school to challenge her but nevertheless, she was prepared for it. As Icey enters the school, Sunset quickly stands up and gives her a scary smirk, as if she wants to intimidate her, but Icey in fact was not intimidated at all, although Sunset was her crush and deep down she didn't wanna hurt her physically or verbally, she had to show some strength and show that she's not one to be messed with NOT AT ALL!!! If you wanna know what went down at this time, here.

Sunset: Hello, hello Ice Dream! *She says in a very evil voice.*

Icey: What do you want?! *Icey says with an attitude while crossing her arms.*

Sunset: YOU HUMILIATED ME IN FRONT OF EVERYONE AT THE FRESHMAN FAIR!!!!! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE THE MEAN ONE NOT YOU!!!!! *She angrily yells at Icey while cornering her against the locker to try and scare her.*

Icey: Hey if your tryna scare me, it's not working because after having an abusive family nothing scares me. *Icey says, clearly not scared of Sunset like at all.*

Sunset: WHAT!!!! THIS IS SUPPOSED TO SCARE YOU!!!! *Sunset yells, clearly irritated with her.*

Icey: Ya know what's supposed to scare you? This. *Icey says as she punches Sunset on the side of the head, knocking her out and then walks away leaving her there like nothing ever happened.*

Sunset is then basically knocked out in the school hallway for like whole day. Many pictures of her were posted on social media by many students. Towards 6th period, Sunset finally woke up, got up and was extremely mad and embarrassed with what Icey did. Her and Icey didn't see each other for the rest of the day. A few hours later, just before Sunset gets to bed, she quickly checks her phone and sees all of the posts everyone made and she was very, I mean VERY humiliated and mad. She smacks her phone down so hard on her nightstand to the point where it almost cracks and aggressively tucks herself in for bed. She feels like she wants to take a huge truck and run over every student but she wasn't going to because not only does she not have the stuff to do that but she's not that mean and she deep down doesn't wanna harm anyone, especially Icey whom she has a soft spot for but hasn't quite acknowledged that yet and doesn't want to either. Although she's still pretty mad, she's out like a light and is for sure dreaming about getting sweet sweet revenge on those students. Icey though, came home feeling super proud of herself for not only getting through the first day of freshman year but also, showing Sunset who's boss. Although she did feel bad because of those students posting pictures of Sunset, she was kinda too proud of herself to care. She watched some YouTube in her bed for a little bit before tucking herself fully in and going into a deep peaceful sleep. A few days later, Icey wakes up at around 5:00am, which was her usual time to wake up. She only woke up at 6:00am on the first day of school to get some extra sleep, but before and after that, she woke up at 5:00am, not only because she wanted to get an early start to her but because she's a dancer and does contortion and gymnastics, so every morning so she could keep her skill and flexibility, she practices. Today was a big day for her because she was gonna do something she was pretty nervous for...... coming out. She was gonna come out to friends and aunt and uncle today. She was really scared for their reactions but kept in mind that if they didn't like it, then they're not her true friends and don't truly love her for who she is and that she could always find new friends after this and a new place to live....well.... hopefully. She shows up at school at around 7:00am, which is normal for her. She goes about her first 3 class periods as she normally would (Math, Science and Home Economics.). She always has a friend or someone she knows in her class, which is a relief to her. Lunch then comes around and she grabs her lunch and goes to sit by her friends (Sirena, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie.) when she sees Sunset walking by and she just can't stop staring at her. Why can't she stop staring at her?!?! This is kinda weird. Sunset then looks at Icey and as quickly as Sunset turns her head, Icey then looks away like nothing happened. As Sunset looks at Icey, she has a small smile on her face, but that quickly fades away as she looks away from her, she didn't wanna seem like a big ol' softy or weirdo. Before Icey could look away, her friends notice her staring too. They kinda thought it was weird and were waving their hands in front of Icey's face to try and get her attention.

Love Story (Ice Dream and Sunset's version)Where stories live. Discover now