so...this is our life now (2)

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"So… this is our life now." Finney said with loss of hope. "Don't say that. Okay maybe it is but we're gonna get out of here soon together, mi vida." (translation: my life) Robin reassured.

Bruce was fixing Vance's hair while Griffin was standing on Billy's shoulders looking out the window and screaming 'help' hoping someone would hear him. Finney and Robin were just lying on the mattress and staring at the ceiling while talking about Finn's abduction.

"Oy, new boy, you better start learning how to do things around this shithole. Unless you wanna get your ass beat by that son of a bitch." Finney turned to who said that and it turned out to be Vance. Finney thought Vance was kind enough to give him some advice in this hell.

"Hey amor, you might wanna listen to him. I mean he's been here since last spring so it would be reasonable right? I mean he is an asshole sometimes, but this could be the only time he's smart and ACTUALLY helping you." the boy advised.

"Maybe you're right. But what can I do to get out of trouble?" Finney said. Robin thought about it. The other boys overheard too so they started to think aswell. "Oh I know one: you can never leave when the door is left unlocked. Ever." Says Billy looking over at Finney and back to the floor remembering what happened when he did that.

"Oh and never mention anything about his dad his mom and his brother. just don't mention his family in general." Advised Griffin. "When he comes down to give us food, don't say your not hungry. He'll just fucking stare at you like a creep he is and leave and let you starve for days." Then advised Bruce.

"Alright. I won't do any of those. Thank you all. For giving me advise." Finney smiled. "No problem quierdo. (translation: darling) As long as you don't experience what we went through, I'm okay." Robin said as he hugged the golden haired boy.

Hours later they all felt tired but they fought their sleepiness because they had a plan. A plan to escape. They were sure if plan would work. Unlike their other plans before. But now they have Finney. It wasn't that important though. It's not like anything in the plan would change. I mean, the more the merrier right?


cliffhanger sorry :( but i will upload the next chapter in the next 1 or 2 days. Once I figure out what their plan is 😍  anyway bye y'all

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