His Name is Eren Yeager

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The Following 15 chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 46 (Mikasa's Love), Chapter 47 (A  Knife in The Back), Chapter 48 (Annie's Fate), Chapter 49 (The 'Devils of Paradis'), Chapter 50 (Followers of Eren Yeager), Chapter 51 ('I Wanted to be A Hero'), Chapter 52 (The Yeagerists), Chapter 53 (A Giant Man, A Small Shadow), Chapter 54 (A Night of Pleasure), Chapter 55 (Reaching Wall Rose), Chapter 56 (Warriors Amongst Devils), Chapter 57 (A Trial for Humanity), Chapter 58 (A Betrayal), Chapter 59 (A Breach in Wall Rose), and Chapter 60 (The Beast Titan) are already available for Patrons.

"I Don't Have Time To Worry If It's Right Or Wrong, You Can't Hope For A Horror Story With A Happy Ending!"

As the first rays of dawn gently pierced through the curtains, Commander Nile found himself awakening from his peaceful slumber at the customary hour of 7 AM. Nestled beside him, his beloved wife lay sound asleep, her serene countenance undisturbed by the morning's arrival. With a tender smile adorning his face, Nile gently planted a soft kiss upon her forehead, a gesture that never failed to evoke a radiant smile from his beloved partner, illuminating the room with warmth and affection.

As he prepared to depart from the comforts of his humble abode, Nile made it a point to meticulously ensure the well-being of his three precious daughters. Gazing upon their serene countenances, peacefully nestled in their cozy beds, an overwhelming sense of joy flooded his heart, causing a radiant smile to grace his visage. Amidst the facade of stoicism he often donned during his arduous work endeavors, Nile found solace in the sanctuary of his home, where he felt liberated to unleash the full spectrum of his emotions.

Nile, a man of average stature, possessed an undeniable air of charisma that was accentuated by his meticulously maintained appearance. His short, ebony hair, meticulously trimmed to perfection on the sides and back, framed his face with effortless elegance. His eyes were as deep and mysterious as the darkest night. To add to his distinctive features, he proudly sported a meticulously groomed thin mustache and goatee.

Clad in his impeccable military uniform, Nile stood at the gate of their humble abode, his wife by his side, a bittersweet farewell hanging in the air. The morning sun cast a golden glow upon their faces as they exchanged a tender kiss, a silent affirmation of their love. With a heavy heart, Nile embarked on his "noble" duty, stepping into the waiting carriage, its elegant silhouette exuding an air of grandeur. As the skilled rider took hold of the reins, their leather straps glided through his weathered hands. The horses, their muscles rippling beneath glossy hides, eagerly surged forward, their hooves creating a rhythmic symphony against the cobbled streets, carrying Nile away from the warmth of his cherished home.

Nile found himself positioned adjacent to the ornate window of the elegantly crafted carriage. As the vehicle commenced its departure, he trained his gaze upon his beloved wife, her figure becoming smaller and smaller until it dissolved into the distant vanishing point on the horizon. With a stoic countenance firmly in place, Nile directed his attention forward, anticipating that the forthcoming day would unfold in a manner that mirrored the monotony of every other ordinary day.

As the carriage slowly made its way toward the Headquarters of the Military Police, a sense of foreboding hung heavily in the air. Commander Nile immediately sensed that something was awry. Peering through the window of his carriage, his gaze fell upon a chaotic and unsettling scene unfolding before him.

The once orderly and disciplined courtyard was now a flurry of activity as soldiers hurriedly scurried in every direction. Their faces, usually stern and composed, were now marked with an unusual combination of coldness and perspiration. Commander Nile knew deep within his core that this was no ordinary day. Something was undeniably wrong, and as his gaze swept across the frantic chaos outside, a knot of unease tightened in his stomach. The last time the Headquarters of the Military Police had been in such a mess was when Wall Maria fell...

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