The Yeagerists

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The Following 15 chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 53 (A Giant Man, A Small Shadow), Chapter 54 (A Night of Pleasure), Chapter 55 (Reaching Wall Rose), Chapter 56 (Warriors Amongst Devils), Chapter 57 (A Trial for Humanity), Chapter 58 (A Betrayal), Chapter 59 (A Breach in Wall Rose), Chapter 60 (The Beast Titan), Chapter 61 (The Crimson Bow and Arrow), Chapter 62 (Ape Vs Lion), Chapter 63 (Historia, The Winged Titan), Chapter 64 (Battle Between Brothers), Chapter 65 ('Here's Kenny'), Chapter 66 (The Paths), and Chapter 67 (Sasha's Pleasure) are already available for Patrons.

Eren Yeager

As the hands of the clock continued their relentless march, unyielding to the passage of time, three hours slipped away unnoticed. Yet, the echoes of Reiner's words reverberated within the depths of his consciousness. Consumed by a tumultuous storm of emotions, Eren found solace in the tight grip of his hands upon his knees, his fingers digging into his skin with a desperate intensity. The clenching of his teeth served as a physical manifestation of the seething rage that coursed through his veins while his rapid, shallow breaths mirrored the rapid-fire thoughts that raced through his mind.

Heat radiated from his flushed face as if his very being was set ablaze by the inferno of anger that consumed him. The words spoken by Reiner, like an endless refrain, played on an eternal loop within the recesses of his mind, etching themselves deeper with each repetition. In the depths of his being, a primal urge surged forth, an unyielding desire to channel his fury into a physical manifestation, to pummel Reiner once more with unrelenting force.

As Eren sat there, he couldn't help but replay those haunting words in his mind: "'It was my fault your mother got eaten by a Titan.'" In the depths of his thoughts, he found himself transported back to that fateful day when the air was thick with a mixture of terror and despair. The vivid memories flooded back, engulfing his senses— the coppery scent of blood, the chilling sight of droplets soaring through the air like twisted dancers. Eren's chest tightened, his heart racing, but he knew he had to regain control. Taking slow, deliberate breaths, he willed himself to find solace in the storm raging within, reminding himself of the necessity to maintain a calm and composed demeanor.

Eren remembered the days he spent with Reiner, how often Reiner would laugh and instruct fellow cadets on how to do things right, how everyone looked up to him, yet all that had been a lie. All his smiles and jokes had been nothing but a sick lie. A man who had no problems lying to people, acting like their friends, and then killing them later.

As Eren found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, he instinctively closed his eyes, seeking solace while perched on the edge of his bed. With each passing second, his fingers weaved through his tousled, dark hair, a visual representation of the frustration simmering within him. In the midst of this internal turmoil, an unexpected sensation rippled through the air, causing the bed beneath him to tremble imperceptibly. Without the need to turn around or unveil his eyes, Eren recognized the familiar presence that now enveloped him from behind. It was Mikasa who embraced him in a tender, vulnerable moment. Her bare skin pressed gently against his back, offering a sense of comfort and understanding that transcended words.

After the talk with Reiner, Eren had asked if he could talk with Bertholdt, but Levi told him that Bertholdt's cell was much further away and it would take time to get there, the time they didn't have; after returning back to his bedroom, Mikasa had followed Eren, asking him if he was alright.

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