chapter 4

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Dario's POV:

I had gotten a call from my brother late in the evening saying that his youngest son was missing. Casey had been with the nanny at the park and all they had found was the nanny dead in the park. We knew Casey had been taken and could only hope that they didn't hurt him.

We had been searching for weeks when my brother called asking me to come over. Me, Mia and Dino were quick to get to his house. Mia said hello and went to tend to Andrè, Otis, and Beau. "Did you find anything," Dino asked. I was going to ask the same question but decided to sit back knowing my brother would tell what he had found.

"Better I got a call from an Orphanage in Williams England." Dino looked unimpressed and said sarcastic, "why what a great idea let's take in a kid to replace Casey." I'd had it with Dino, he had been sarcastic since Casey went missing, and while he used it to coup he was aiming it a the wrong person. I walked up to my brother and smacked him hard in the head. Turning to Donni I said, "where's this going."

"They said Casey had been dropped of at their Orphanage four weeks ago. I'm heading there immediately." I nodded and told him I would go with just incase it was a trick. I also told my wife and sons once we got back to the house and packed a bag that I was heading out for a couple of days.

The flight was long and we arrived about 11am. We went directly from the airport to the Orphanage. When we got there we went inside and were greeted by a woman named Mary. "Hello can I help you gentlemen," She asked looking very uneasy which was the normal reaction we got. "Yes ma'am I'm looking for my son his names Casey and he's four." The women nodded and told us to wait a moment while she got the director.

She came back with a Elderly women. "Hello you must be the Rizzos I'm Chelsea Andrew's the director here at Loving Hearts." My brother shook her hand and then I did. "Yes Ms. Andrew's I'm Dinno Rizzo and this is my brother Dario Rizzo. You said my son was here can I see him." She nodded and as she was walking away I saw Mary stating at me. "Is something wrong Ms.Mary?" she shook her head and quickly said, "No it's just that he look a lot like Glenda." I brushed it off and followed Ms. Chelsea and my brother to the back yard.

"Papa! Uncle Dario!" My nephew screamed happily rushing to us and jumping on Donni. He looked well and was wearing new clothes. His clothes consisted of a long tan slacks, a white t-shirt, a brown sweater vest, a thick dark brown coat, red scarf hat and gloves. "Casey what you holding in your hand there" I asked. Casey got a huge goofy smile, "I'm holding Holins, Glenda got him for me not long after I got here."

"Why don't you go with Uncle Dario to say goodbye and thank you while I sign the papers," my brother said. Once he had gone inside Casey lead me over to were he had been before. "Glenda my papa came and this is my uncle Dario," Casey said climbing into the lap of the girl who was crocheting a thick wool blanket. The girl looked at the boy and said, "that wonderful Casey. Now fix your hat and scarf before you catch your death." I shook my head she sounded like my grandmother before she passed, however she wasn't wrong. Casey had pushed the hat up over his ears and his scarf was wide open, he was quick to fix them after Glenda's gentle reprimand.

The girl looked up and I nearly stopped breathing as I realized that she indeed looked like me. The girl however could have passed as my youngest son's twin if she didn't look like she was ten. "Hello sir I'm Glenda Albury and I'm glade to see that he is being returned home." I nodded and not soon after my brother called for us to leave not even bothering to come get us.

When me and my brother got home I headed straight to my home office to make a call. "Honey what's wrong you look like you've seen a ghost," my wife said with a slight chuckle. "It may be nothing Mia but I need to make a call and when I find out I'll tell you okay." She nodded okay and went on her way. I called one of my men to investigate everything about this Glenda Albury. After that I went to spend time with my family.

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