42- INTO IT & A/N

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My apologies!

Please read my reasons why I was gone for too long🙏🏽

I'm sure you all have been waiting and probably cursing, wondering how lazy I am to update again.

So let me clarify things.
It's just that many things happened.
My life was falling apart to the point that I didn't even recognize myself. I went through depression, but at that time, my mind was in a serious state of illness. I've been doing self-harming and was avoiding eating too.

The thing is, I was busy fixing myself up, gaining confidence, being positive, and all. I wanted to fight against my trauma. I was giving myself time.
And you know how messed up the world is.

I thought I could be better, I thought I could be healed. Not when my life came crashing down again. Literally, everything went from the top to the bottom. I can say those moments I went through were the biggest battle I've fought. I lost myself for a while, then I found myself again; that's just how it is.

And yay, I'm back on track! I've actually been planning to update, but as I got myself together, I planned to focus on my academics and life first. Lately, my school has been very tough since I'm graduating from junior high, and during my vacant time, I do things for my own space.

Many things have changed now, don't worry. I really did need that down part of my life in order for me to shine again. I've learned a lot. I even learned how to outgrow people, how to move on, and it took me months, but now I truly love myself. I have accepted who I am now, discovered my worth. And it's true, once you love yourself, people will start to love you more.

:)) hope you guys will understand.

Oh, and there will be a plot and surprises here.

Oh, and there will be a plot and surprises here

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"If we're alone in a room..."

"Taehyung let go of me!" Time snaps me to it, the last thing I was more concerned about was Jimin's worry face so is Yoongi.

Something this thick tension between them that I can sense, their both eyes are hard to read but still.

I'm worried for Jimin and relief at the same time that Yoongi is with him.

Either way why worry for them when I should be more concerned for myself about the current situation I'm in.

Feeling helpless and weak against Taehyung's grip who is pulling me urgently into our room.

Yes, here I go again.

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