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Will it be. 'im ready to love you back' or

'I'd burn in hell and feel that hurt again' ?

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"What feelings do you have for me?" The question shocked him and his response was even more surprising than the question itself.

"I've been waiting for you to ask me that." He admits, the tone in his voice alerted her, causing her to suck her own breath.

"I want you back, I thought you already knew that?" he says, his voice was too sharp, sounded too demanding, unable to hide his impatience.

Impatience consumed him, and anger ate him alive through his veins as he realized that broken promises had led them to this point.

He couldn't help but think that if marriage didn't exist, getting her back would have been a simpler task.

He then avoided the naked hunger in her eyes, despite having his own hunger from his own curiosity. He was aware that she had been thinking about the past, trying to make sense of their undefined relationship.

It was clear in her eyes, he didn't have to be a mind reader to understand what was on her mind. It's clearly visible in her reaction.

He just avoided it.

He's scared that once he starts to open up and bring up the past, it could affect this relationship.

There were still unrevealed secrets laid beneath their childish playfulness.

The fear of losing the kind of relationship he had with her is the last thing he ever wanted to happen. Though this kind of relationship wasn't what he wanted, it's all that he ever has with her. Losing this opportunity, even if it means nothing to Alexa, is a big loss for Jungkook.

While Taehyung held a greater power of control over her, Jungkook only has this risky connection.

Alexa took a ragged breath, surprised by his response and tone, or whatever impression Jungkook was making that displeased her.

"I think we should talk this out" Alexa suddenly came to her senses, her realization hitting her at that very moment.

He understood that it was about time,. where he would have to confront whatever consequences may arise, no matter what they may be.

Jungkook feared this, nevertheless, he reacted in protest when it wasn't his place to. "Was there really something else to talk about? I thought you were okay with this. I thought you were smarter than this," he stepped forward.

Angered, the girl pushed him hard in the chest, and it was her turn to react.

Alexa didn't see it coming that a storm of emotions might sweep through her.
The anger, fear, curiosity, resentment.

What he did was a wrong move; he had forgotten what Alexa had been holding on to.

Or maybe he didn't know that she had been trying hard to hide the emotions attached from the past, all locked up in a box. That she was trying to see him from a different angle, using him for a different purpose.

The past was beyond hiding, beyond healing, and still unrevealing.

"What is it to talk about? Don't tell me.." his voice halting, despair darkened Alexa's eyes when she knew where it's headed.

"The past still bothers you?" He ended, bitterly.

"Not really as much as the questions" she ragged and stepped forward with a firm look.

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