Chapter 4

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Day 3
I awoke to yelling so I got up and ran dowstairs to see Steve holding his face. I ran over to see what was going on and got slapped in the face and fell to the floor. I got up and ran to our room and slammed the door and hid in our bed until Loki came in and explained what happened and I came out from under the blankets and he saw the hand print on my face and picked me up and held me close to him and took me downstairs and I noticed Bucky wasn't there then Loki explained Bucky had gone on a run to cool off. I go and sit by the pool for a while and the Steve comes over to me and asks if I want anyhting to eat beacuse I havent eaten today I say no and he pickes me up and takes me inside and takes me upstairs and help me get into some comfortable clothes. He then carries me downstairs and Grabs my shoes and takes me up a mountain to a little spring and we stay there for hours when Pietro runs to us and says Bucky and Loki are arguing Steve gives me to Pietro and he runs to them and I stopt he boys from fighting and Steve comes back a couple of minutes later and Bucky hits Steve again and I yell "ENOUGH I AM NONE OF YOUR PROPERTY YOU DONT OWN ME. OK I MAY BE SINGLE BUT IT DOESNT MATTER THIS MORNING ONE OF YOU HIT ME BECAYSE YOU WERE ARGUING OVER ME. SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHY?" I then run upstairs and hide under the blancket on the bed. Soon after I hear my name being shouted by the guys downstairs then they all came upstairs and I stayed where I was and didnt move. They yanked the blanket off of me and said "We were calling you why are you being like this?" I just ignore them. Then Steve grbs my wrist and says "Cmon my love awnser them please for me." I nod and he lets go of my wrist and I sit up and say "What do you three want? To know why im being a bitch to you. Well maybe its becayse sinse I have been here none of you have looked after me like Steve has and he didnt hit me." They look at me then try to hit Steve but I stood in the way and they didnt try to hit him. Steve hugs me from behind and I move my head and rest it on his but then Bucky grabbed my arm and pullde me away from Steve and took me downstairs and sat me on his lap and wouldnt let me move. I wriggle to get comfortable and Bucky starts to get hard and I can feel it he then whispers in my ear "Lets go somewhere more private." I was then picked up bridal style and Taken up to the bedroom. Once we got there Bucky started to undress me and kissed every inch of my body working his way down. I grabbed his wrist and said "No you earn sex with me not just get hard and think its ok." Bucky then tries to do the same thing again and I say "Get off of me now Bucky. I dont like you like that." Just then Steve comes in and grabs Bucky off of me and takes me downstairs as I am and protect me from Bucky. Both Loki and Pietro look confused as to why I came downstairs in just a bra. After that we had dinner and went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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Team building:Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Loki and Pietto MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now