Chapter 41: Too many bosses

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"Afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We just passed the midday mark here at LA Convention Center. We have new events developing, as new images present an intense chase down the South side of the center, where LAPD and FBI approached a vehicle with presumably three suspects. We did hear that the police lost the vehicle for a second, but are still on its tail, as the suspects changed directions down the main highway, twenty minutes from the center. No news yet on the relation to the attack.

Meanwhile, our cameras caught the moment when members of the Special Operations Task Force, SWAT and Marshalls made a push through the loading area by the back of the center. Several sources have revealed that the attackers' massive stash of deadly weapons and ammunition was hidden in boxes stored in that area, including a truck, which was used to block the entrance and provide a hideout for just over half a dozen armed men. We have no knowledge yet of the amount of deadly materials these people stacked, but it must've been heavy loads because the police are still sorting through boxes as we speak.

In other news, outside of the center there are some positive news. We have received confirmation that law enforcement has been able to control the air attack and the ground operation happening in the front. Police have taken advantage of the push to send all the help through that opening. Slowly, we are hoping to get confirmation of rescued minors...or so is the hope of thousands of parents who have gathered just outside of the perimeter set up by the police. Tears, concerns and shouting coming from the desperate parents and family members in the crowd..."


"25 David, do you copy?" Hondo called, pressing down the button on his chest.


"Tan? Everything ok? You and Luca, ok? The kids? Come in!" he called, now desperate.


Just over ten officers surrounded Hondo, staring at him. They all waited for a response, holding on to hope. Morales and White had already suited up with vests and their audio communication apparatus, while Rocker and his crew joined the group.

"Did he answer?" Rocker asked, taking a step towards him.

Hondo shook his head slowly. The older officer then turned to Hanson, who took a deep breath. White, Alvarado, Morales, Rocker, Harris, Street and the rest stared intently, leaving several seconds go by in pure silence.

"We don't have a choice!"  Hanson said, breaking up the silence. "Let's split. Two can go and check out what happened upstairs, the rest continues with the boss' plan. Room by room."

"Ok." Hondo and the rest responded, nodding their heads.

"I say one and one." Alvarado suggested, quickly. "We need all the man power we can get to stop the attack inside, but these creeps could've gotten to the kids. So..."

Hondo turned to Deacon, "Deacon, you go. I'll stay and lead the charge with Rocker."

"Alright" Deacon responded with a quick nod. He then turned to Hanson, "Who's coming with me, sergeant?" he answered.

"Take him!" Hanson responded quickly, pointing at Alvarado. "Besides Lee, he's the closest we got to a medical response agent.... plus he has combat experience."

Alvarado nodded, then turned to Deacon. "After you!"

"Let's go!" Deacon urged, as the pair rushed out of the hallway.

"Alright, everybody else...let's get these kids out! Safe and sound!" Hanson called, while everybody returned their attention to him.

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