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Later we saw and explosions as we go to see what's going on.

"Guys we got company" mirage said on the comm.

We got there and transformed so we could fight.

"Autobots, protect the key" Optimus order as we started fighting the enemies.

I ran up to mirage as started shooting at one enemy who started flying.

"Oh they're flying now? Who the hell are these guys?" Mirage asked.

"Based on the colour of their eyes, they're definitely not decepticons" I answered

"Prime, I don't think we can hold these guys" mirage contacts prime.

I looked at one of the goons trying to shoot at the two humans and I ran to them and started shootings at him "get out of here" i said

All the sudden something came out of nowhere it looked like a giant robot bird that saved us.

We we walked to prime I looked in horror. Bumblebee was killed.

"Bee" i wispered.

Mirage puts his arm around me for comfort as I put my head on his chest.

Then we hear a screech when we saw the bird that saved us "we musty go now come with me"

We ran before the police arrived to a hiding spot we all transformed back to our robot selves when Optimus picks up something and throws it.

"This is my fault it should have been me" he said.

"Nee was my best friend since we were sparkings." I said "we grew up, played and fought together"

"I'm sorry for your loss" the bird said.

"No offence lady but who are you again?" Mirage asked.

"My name is airazor. I am a maximal" airazor introduces herself "a warrior from both your past and future"

"Oh right that— that tracks yeah" he said.

"We fled our home planet on the eve of its destruction we sought refuge and hid here on earth"

"So you're a maximal y'all are autobots what was those things that attacked us earlier?" The girl asked.

"Terrorcons. Servants of a dark, hungry god who feeds on entire worlds to sustain himself" airazor explained.

"Unicron" Optimus said.

"So you're saying that this thing unicron eats planets to survive?" I asked.

"Yes." Airazor answered "and he imbues his servants like scourge, with dark energy which makes him all but invincible. He is entirely beholden to unicorn. Though his power he possesses scourges soul."

"I should've gotten the key myself" Optimus said "I should've known better to rely on humans"

"Hold up" Noah said "what you're blaming me? After you conveniently left out the part about a planet eating monster?"

"Because of you unicron will now use the key to consume every planet In the universe including my home world"

"He doesn't have the key. At least not all of it" airazor said. "We broke the key into two peices for safe keeping then splintered and went into hiding. I do not know where the other half is. For all I know I am the last of our kind"

"It's on Peru" the girl named   said.

"How do you know that?" Noah asked.

"It's the symbol on the stone they were only recorded in the other place in the worlthe Inca temple of the sun in Cusco" she shows her book "it's one of the oldest building in the western hemisphere im guessing that can't be a coincidence."

"If you could track those symbols to Peru so can the terrocons we need to get there before they do" arcee said.

"And then kill scourge and take his peice to complete the key" Optimus adds.

"Hold up you want to find another key and deliver it to the guy that just kicked your asses?" Noah asked.

"The transwarp key is our only way home"

"If this dude gets ahold of that thing it's game over for earth our families everybody. I'm going"

"Out of the question"

"No offence but not trusting my home to a guy who couldn't even protect hiss this is my planet. I'm going"

"What about you?" Ariazor asked the girl "what is your name?"

"Elena" Elena said.

"Elena, will you lead us to this temple?"

"Chance to stain the end of the world" Noah said.

"Actually" I spoke "you'll be saving two worlds


"But first I gotta get home" noah.

"I'll take ya bro" mirage said before looking at me "I'll be right back babe" he kissed my cheek smacked my aft. "love you" then he transforms to a car and he and Noah leaves.

Elena walks up to me "I take it you two are.. together?"

I noded "yeah"

"I gotta say he's clearly the opposite of you."

"It was either him or bumblebee." Arcee said.

Funny Bumblebee and I did talk about it and decided to stay friend despite how close we are. But I'm still upset for what happened to him. But I swear next time I see scourge I will kill him.

Autobot oppisites (mirage X autobot OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ