Story 1: The Unexpected

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It was morning time, and the members were all in the kitchen, getting their breakfast. Sebastian, Regie, and Justin were getting their food, while Ryan, Oliver, Darren, and Kane were sitting at the table with their food already.

Darren sat, scrolling through his phone.

"Yo, Seb," Darren called. "These edits are going fucking crazy now bro." Sebastian chuckled.

"Yea, I know, bro, it is crazy." Sebastian glanced over at Ryan, who was paying no attention to the conversation. "But just let them. The Stars aren't doing anything bad. They're just having fun." He picked up his bowl of cereal and walked over to the table, sitting next to Ryan. He scooped a spoon full of cereal and put it into his mouth, watching Ryan as he did. Ryan seemed to have felt Sebastian's eyes on him and looked up.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Don't be so mean. I know it's the morning, but try to be a little nicer for my pained heart." Ryan only rolled his eyes as he shook his head before he buried his face back into his phone, eating his cereal.

Sebastian smiled and did the same.

While the boys were eating their breakfast, Manager Ty came back into the kitchen, finished with his phone call.

"Since we've been thinking about video ideas much harder than usual, I've come up with an idea." All the boys looked up at him. "How about you guys play Hide 'N Seek, but with a twist. Instead of the regular version, you should play it in the dark."

"That sounds pretty good." Oliver said.

"And since we can't really think of any ideas at the moment, y'all will be playing it for the whole video, instead of just part of it."

After Manager Ty was finished explaining the schedule, the boys all scattered and began walking back to their rooms once they were done with their breakfast. Sebastian followed Ryan, coming up behind him and slinging his arm over his shoulder.

"Ryan," Sebastian said. "Let's hangout." Ryan heavily sighed and rolled his eyes, pushing Sebastian's arm off of his shoulder.

"No." He deadpanned. Sebastian replaced his hand back on Ryan's shoulder.

"Please?" Ryan just glared at him and pushed his arm off once again, walking ahead of him. Sebastian smiled and followed him. "Cute." He said under his breath. Ryan was about to shut the door behind him, but Sebastian stopped it and walked in, running over to Ryan's PC setup and sitting down. Ryan ignored him and only laid down on his bed and pulled his phone out and started scrolling through it.

Sebastian spun around in the chair, looking at Ryan, who was almost half asleep. He smiled to himself and stood up, and he walked over to the bed, pulled the covers back, and got in. He laid next to Ryan, watching as he continued on his phone.

"Ryan, I'm bored." Sebastian said.

"That's not my problem." Ryan blankly replied back. Sebastian turned over and began spooning with Ryan, who was struggling to get him off of him, but failed, so he gave up. Sebastian snuggled into Ryan, continuing to watch Ryan as he was about to fall asleep. He let go of Ryan and just silently stared, until Ryan's eyes were fully closed, his lips were parted, and his light breaths could be heard. Sebastian stroked Ryan's hair, keeping his eyes only on Ryan.

"God, he's so cute." Sebastian whispered. "What am I gonna do with you?" Ryan rolled over, dropping his arm around Sebastian and started to lay his head on his chest. Sebastian's smile grew as he watched a cute, sleepy Ryan snuggle onto his chest.


There was a loud knock that came to Ryan's door.

"Aye, Ryan!" Oliver called. "It's time to start getting ready for the video." Hearing this, Ryan blinked awake. As he was still laying there, he felt his "pillow" rising and falling under his head, and he felt something heavy draped over his waist. He looked down to find an arm, limply laying over him, and he couldn't help but look around. Instead of finding a pillow, he found Sebastian, eyes clothes, lightly breathing, fast asleep.

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