Story 3: Punishment (clean)

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"Hey Ryan," I said. "Could I talk to you for a sec?" Ryan set his cup down and walked over to me, leaning on the wall.

"What?" He folded his arms and huffed, staring me in the eyes.

"Would....." he stared, waiting for an answer. I stared down at my feet, trying to figure out how to word this. "Would you......" I looked up at him to see that he was getting impatient.

"Look, Seb, hurry up. I don't have all day, well, I do, but I don't feel like waiting all day. Get it out now or I'm walking away." He told me.

"Okay, okay." I looked him in his deep brown eyes. "Ryan, would you go out with me?" I stared, watching his face. Silence filled the air and my anxiousness surfaced as he said nothing.

A moment later, I sighed and turned to walk away.

"Yes." I shot my head up and spun around.


"I said yes." He grunted. "I'll date you." A smile appeared across my face as I squeezed him tightly. "That's nice. Now get off of me." I let go and smiled at him, kissing his forehead.

Sebastian and I have been dating for about two weeks now. Everything is great. Aside from his clinginess, childishness, and possessiveness, everything is fine. Every time we go out, he holds me close, when we're home, he keeps a close eye on the kind of contact I have with the boys, but honestly, I don't really mind. Sometimes, it does get out of hand, but hey, that's just who Sebastian is. But I also kind of like it.

Today is one of our days off, so I decided to do absolutely nothing, just laying down in the comfort of my bed, by myself, without any of the boys pissing me off.

Well, actually, I spoke too soon, because as I got comfortable for about five minutes, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said. Justin opened the door, and at first, it was only him, but then Oliver came in, and after him came Kane, then Darren, then Regie, then Sebastian, and even Manager Ty came. "What the fuck do all of you want?" They all came and plopped down on my bed. I sighed and tried to ignore them.

Sebastian then came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and started big-spooning me. Behind him was Regie, Oliver, Justin, Darren, Kane, and Manager Ty was just on the sidelines taking pictures. No one seemed to notice how close Sebastian was to me, and how he pressed a kiss to the side of my neck, rubbing my stomach with the hand that was wrapped around my waist.

"Imagine." He whispered into my ear, continuing to rub my stomach in a circular motion. I turned my head to look back at him and he pressed a kiss to my lips. My face burned red as I turned my head back. I could feel his breathing on my neck. "Your ears are red." I turned my hand and flicked Sebastian. He chuckled into my ear as the other boys started acting like their "man baby" selves.

Justin did his weird little laugh he does, Darren was just acting sus as fuck, Oliver was just laughing his life away, Regie was just sitting there, sniffling, saying, "I wanna go home", and Kane just decided to shake Oliver, all while Manager Ty stood over us, laughing, red faced.

I only laid there, annoyed and ready to get them off of me.

Third POV
After who knows how long, the boys one by one let go of each other, but Sebastian never let Ryan go.

"Get off." Ryan said. Sebastian smirked and only tightened his grip. Ryan smacked his lips and rolled over, surrendering to defeat.

Sebastian finally let go of Ryan, but still laid next to him, breathing down Ryan's neck, knowing what he was doing. Ryan shivered under Sebastian's light breath, Sebastian chuckling.

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