You're my epitome of light

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I was out from the pit of darkness...

I can see a small light from the hole of this rock cage.

Everyday I keep on watching it and thinking the happiness it brings me. How much more if I could feel more of it?

I keep on putting my body near it to feel it in my skin.

But then when darkness came at night. I see no light and no heat.

Just a complete pitch black and coldness inside this cage.

I waited for the light to come. Waited.. waited.. and waited.

I watched and watched the hole if a tiny light would come.

But it never came back.

Suddenly, I felt in my heart how much I love to see the light.

I felt the love and the warmth.

I was jumping into happiness when I saw a light but a different one. But yes! It's a light.

My strong jumps ruined my cage, and I was set free.

I saw darkness.

But where is that light?

I looked everywhere and it was gone.

I watched above and I saw thousands of tiny lights above my head. I saw the biggest and brightest stone above my head.

I kept on looking at it from here.

I was out from the pit of darkness. A light brought joy to me and pushed me to fight back these walls.

Suddenly, everything became lighter.

As I see the bright rock moving away.

Please no! Don't go!

I was sad. Where is it going.

I was crying. A total darkness again? Is it?

As i was sobbing my face into my knees as I curled up my body. I felt warmth. The same warmth i felt before but much bigger.

I opened my eyes and I saw the most beautiful yellow light.

It is you!

I was shouting with joy.

It is the light.

The Words of HoneylemonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora