I refuse to believe that you love(d) me

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I refuse to believe that you loved me
The way you throw me like a trash
Thinking i would write a song for you
When I can't even express myself
I can't hate you or still love you
I just have to move forward and stop questioning
But these fleeting thoughts of mine
Blaming myself and repeatedly hating myself
I still refuse to believe that you loved me
For all the dirt you have tainted on my name
For telling me I deserve to be isolated
You broke me so much
I restrained myself from sending paragraphs and questions
I restrained myself from cleaning my name
I kept quiet
I kept quiet because I know you wanted that peace
Even if that peace does not give me peace at all
The only thing that makes me selfish in this game is trying to choose what I think is right even if that makes you think you've won.

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