The art of choosing myself

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You were once a book I love to read

Every pages of you is worth the time

But like other books my dear, we all have endings

No matter how I paper cut myself for rereading pages

We can't deny we've reached the last chapter

This chapter is different from the previous ones

Why am I going forward without you this time?

Blades of guilt cuts so deep

Wounds of the past never heals

The song he made me listen

Keeps playing in my mind

A glass of champagne never helps

For there's too much alcohol in my blood

I talk like I know everything

Put me in a box with him,

I'll stutter like a child

I wrote songs and poems to forget,

Sometimes i get deja vu

I look for for him when I smell his scent

Tell me this is just a dream

But darling, this is all happening

And when I close my eyes,

I remember a message written in a tree,

A girl waiting in the church,

For someone who will never come,

I cry as I write everything about him,

For no forces in this world can take back what's been broken,

This time, it will be another book to read

This time the first chapter starts with me

No matter how my ending will be

I'll be grateful for a better me

But all I know,

Everytime I look at the stars, the moon and the sunset

I'll remember,

That a simple girl like me,

Once felt a love that made me who I am today.

The Words of HoneylemonWhere stories live. Discover now