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Tomi 🤍

Mon, 5:35 pm

I'm going back there

I thought we've already talked about this?

I'm not asking for you permission Niah
I'm informing you

No Hiro
May pasok ka pa 😠

Oh yeah?
After I learned what happened to you?
Do you think I will just sit here and wait for that motherfucker to appear and hurt you again?

Please don't do this Hiro
Nag-aaral ka
Huwag mo ng abalahin ang sarili mo nito

No love
If I have to repeat another year just so I could protect you myself, I would

Don't you dare Hiro
I will break up with you if you do that

Then I'll just win you back after I made sure that you're safe
Baby nothing scares me than losing you without doing anything
I have the means Niah
I will talk to my Uncle and let him handle your case
He will win your case, I'm hundred sure
That bastard should be jailed as soon as possible before he could harm you again

And then we will talk to your father
We have to let him know how he ruined his daughter's life for his selfish decisions
He has to realize his mistakes

Hiro started a call...
Call Ended
1 hour and 2 minutes

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