Chapter Seven

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Blake was experiencing what is called as owl's slumber, where he was in a state of unihemispheric sleep, with his eyes shut but fully aware of his surroundings.

Alaska, upon entering the park, continued to run around the trees in a haphazard manner. As she approached a corner, a scent that she had become familiar with, all too well in recent days, wafted into her nostrils.

Was she so enthralled by him that she began hallucinating his captivating scent? Probably, especially when she's in the exact park where they had their first time out.

However, as she neared the largest tree, the smell intensified, not just the smell but her eagerness as she noticed a dark, velvety halo blending with the green of the grass, the chiseled jaw, a towering pointed nose. He had his arm on his forehead, eyes shut, oblivion to her and his vicinity.

But why is he here, isn't he supposed to be with his family, perplexity spread across her face as questions filled her mind she unconsciously let his name slip from between her lips.

His gaze perked up upon hearing the harmonious voice he glanced at her with a face mirroring hers. "Alaska?" He exclaimed before lifting himself up and dusting his jeans.

"What are you doing here?" She began, her eyes wondering to his disheveled hair then to his slightly damp shirt. "Are you alright?"

A portion of him was incredibly swooned and smitten with Alaska— not just a portion, but the majority of him, yet deep down, he knew she was only pitting him... once again .

"Alaska if you're here to sympathize with me then kindly leave," he uttered with a sigh, tucking his calloused hands into his pockets and leaning against the tree.

His mind lacked a lot of sleep, causing him to babble incoherent and venomous words, provoking Alaska to maintain her position with a hint of shock and anguish reflected on her face.

She had never pitied him or even entertained the thought, but now that he had brought it up so boldly, she began to question herself and her morals as well. Really? Was she the type to pity others? Did she mistreat him back then? Was that why he had left?

"Pity you?" she whispered to herself, but it was audible enough for Blake to catch.

A deep sigh left his lips "Alaska, I'm totally fine... you can carry on with your day? And i mean no offense."

He was urging her to leave? She sensed a weight settle on her chest, feeling the sting of his words melding the metal barriers that had protected her dead heart, the very heart that had somehow begun to beat sluggishly solely because of the person before her... the same person who would send it back to the dead. But despite the shattered sensation, she nodded and turned to leave, only wishing for emotions to be a matter of choice.

Blake followed her every step with his eyes, the way her eyes lost the gleam made him regret his words, was he too harsh with her? He doesn't know anymore.

He walked towards a bunch and folded his hands. As he stared at the far-off view with vacant eyes, she has came and went leaving him to his emptiness once more.

An individual settled next to him, he didn't give them much notice but based on their respiration, he could discern that they were facing him. Blake was annoyed, shifted his gaze toward the person to see Alaska looking at him.

A scowl formed on his forehead as a brief shocked laugh escaped his mouth, the gesture was sufficient to cause Alaska to redden. She swiftly looked away and directed her gaze forward, unconsciously beginning to fiddle with her thumbs.

"You know I couldn't really leave knowing that someone misunderstood my actions," perplexity still lingered on Blake's face as the words escaped her lips. Misunderstood her actions?

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