Chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen

Weeks have passed since the day Blake started working. Currently, he was sitting in a secluded corner of the library, engrossed in a book about war. As the library receives few visitors, he often finds himself getting bored and therefore he could only exploit his time in reading...

The bells above the door chimed and in walked someone, he donned a long dark cashmere coat, he had a shoulder length dark hair that unfortunately obscured his face from Blake's view who observed the man that looked quite suspicious.

Blake couldn't tell who this man was, he wasn't a human that was obvious but what exactly? And despite sniffing the surrounding air, Blake was unable to discern the identity of this non-human.

The man proceeded to the door behind the counter prompting Blake to stand and intervene. However, before he could, Frank opened the back door and welcomed the man inside and said "Right on time" then he let the door wide open for the man to enter.

As he got inside, the door closed behind him, leaving Blake to his suspicions and curious thoughts. He was sure that he wasn't a human, but he couldn't quite tell from which realm.

Blake's hearing sharpened as he directed his attention towards the murmurs behind the closed door.

"Would you like something to drink?" Blake could hear Frank's voice, accompanied by a derisive noise from the stranger.

"Come on Roger" Frank added further, triggering a realization in Blake's mind. This might be the same Roger from the day he visited the library for the first time.

Then the mysterious man talked "You're acting as if I'm a guest here" making Blake confirm his assumptions about him being Roger from that day and not only that but also elicited an uneasy feeling in him... from his voice— the voice was oddly familiar to Blake but he couldn't quite place who it belonged to. The voice was deeply embedded in his memory, but his owner remained elusive.

"Which is quite right because you barely visit" Frank retorted, before shuffling was heard then the door went open.
Frank was out or rather his head "Ashton could you please make us some coffee"

The question was much like a command and that sent Blake's blood boiling. His alpha nature not liking to be commanded around, causing his wolf  to try to surface; However, he managed to control himself and suppress his ego, and eventually agreeing with a nod.

With no further words, Frank headed back inside while Blake went to make the both of them coffee.

After he was done he held the two steaming cups and made his way to the back door, knocking; he opened the door and went inside. His gaze fell on the man who was sitting in a chair with his head hung low absorbed in reading some papers, and for the second time Blake was unable to see the man's face.

Blake carried on to serve the group their coffee and as he neared the so called Roger, and from this close he caught a whiff of an unusual scent...a warlock. With this realization, many things about the man, from his appearance to his interest in the book of Lycans, fell into place.

Roger realized that the person who was supposed to deliver him his coffee was standing before him so lifted his head to take his cup, but to his surprise he was met with the sight of someone believed to have been dead for long ago... as stated by folks of the supernatural realm.

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