Chapter Twenty-two

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Hard loud knocks echoed on the fragile door of the old bookstore, that sent Frank racing to the front door, the thin glass pane placed on the upper middle of the door mirrored a pissed off Blake.

Frank, at Blake's sight, hurriedly opened the door, a mix of confusion and a hint of fear evident on his face. Adjusting his trembling glasses, he began "Good morning, Ashton, is ev—" before being abruptly interrupted by Blake.

Blake, despite his anger, he still managed to greet Frank with a curt "Good morning, Where's Roger?" Getting straight to the point.

Frank was about to respond, but just as he was about to, the back door swung open, unveiling a bewildered Roger.

Roger had rushed to investigate the reason of the furious knocking, but as soon as he laid eyes on the person behind it, he regretted doing so... because oh god, the sight sent his palms sweating.

Blake muttered under his breath "Of course in his usual place" before he took large strides there, causing Roger to instinctively step back with each of Blake's strides... because that face promised no good.

Once inside the room, Blake shut the door brutally behind him, before he reached into the inner pocket of his coat, and pulled out the familiar bottle that Roger recognized immediately.

"What is this?" Blake inquired, shaking the bottle in the air. Roger, standing across the room, was unable to say a word, utter confusion consuming him.

His initial confusion instantly turned into fear as Blake began taking small steps towards him, "Anti Wolf's bane?" His reply was more like a question tinted with doubt... despite his certainty that it was the Anti wolf's bane he had created a few days earlier upon Blake's request.

Blake's anger intensified as he observed the hesitant reaction from Roger, prompting him to hasten his pace towards the warlock. He brought his face at dangerous proximity to Roger's, allowing the faint glow of his eyes to serve as a warning... making Roger understand that any incorrect response would trigger the appearance of Blake's wolf.

"Well you are mistaken." Blake said drawing out each word deliberately.

Roger reminded quiet, unable to formulate a suitable response, was Blake going crazy? Or was he concocting a convoluted scheme to avenge his mother?

"What is this supposed to do?" Blake asked still holding up the bottle, Roger was uncertain about how to respond or if he should say anything at all, but Blake clearly wanted an answer to that as he nudged Roger with the bottle and asked again "Hmm?"

Roger let out a profound sigh as he said "It's supposed to protect a werewolf from the wolf's bane— the human side and the wolf side."  He explained further upon noticing the demanding expression on Blake's face.

Blake glanced at him "Well, allow me to tell you, it has failed at one of them." Those were his words before he pivoted towards the door, ready to leave. He realized that scolding him for placing misplaced trust in the first place would only be a waste of time.

"But how?" Roger pondered, feeling remorse over missing the opportunity and chance to 'maybe' be forgiven.

Blake laughed in sheer disbelief, before he directed an angry glare towards Roger. "How? Are you for real, there's no how in here... it simply didn't work." He scoffed.

Blake folded his arms and proceeded "In fact, I must be the one asking why? Why it didn't work?" He gestured with his hand, expressing his confusion.

At his question Roger fell into deep silence, lost in his thoughts, while Blake's patience began to wane, "Since you had the audacity to inquire about the 'how' now, enlighten me with the why?"

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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