Chapter 1: Empires University

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fWhip was shaken awake by someone. He looked up and saw familiar orange hair and deer antlers. "fWhip! Get your butt up! You're gonna be late for the first day of college!" fWhip groaned lazily. "Alright, alright..." Gem crossed her arms. "I made breakfast, you'd better get up quick" she walked out of his room, the familiar sound of her hooves got him up. He quickly got dressed and made his way out to the kitchen where Gem sat at the table, braiding her hair. fWhip sat down at the table across from her and stifled a laugh. "What's so funny?!" she hissed. "You have way too much hair" he joked. "You can't be talking! You don't even bother to brush yours!" "I do! I'm always tinkering so it gets messy!" he huffed. "Sure, sure. Hurry up and eat, we don't have all day to argue" fWhip began eating as Gem finished up her braid. She got up and walked to her room, grabbed her bag then went to fWhip's room and grabbed his. She brought them out to the kitchen and dropped fWhip's bag next to him. "It's a good thing I made you pack last night or we'd never make it in time" fWhip frowned. He finished eating and grabbed his bag. "Let's go" Gem said as she walked to the door, fWhip followed behind.

fWhip closed the door behind him and Gem walked over to her car since fWhip doesn't have his license yet, and probably never will. Gem hopped in the drivers seat and fWhip sat in the passenger side. Gem began driving to their new school.

The twins walked in the building an was met with two familiar faces, Sausage and Pearl. "Hiii!!! Hola!!!" Sausage embraced the two in a bear hug, Pearl stifled a laugh. "Sausage, you nugget! You're gonna kill them!" "Sorry!" Sausage let them go. "Ow.." fWhip grumbled. "Nice to see you as well" said Gem. "I'm just so excited to see you again!" Sausage exclaimed. "We spoke yesterday!" fWhip said. "It was a voice call!" Sausage argued. "True.." said Pearl. "I'm gonna be honest, I kinda forgot that we're all the same height, its been a while" fWhip admitted sheepishly. "Except Pearl!" chimed Sausage. "Yeah, by an inch! And those boots give ya an inch, mate!" Pearl argued. Sausage stifled a laugh, and a joke. "Sausage, don't you dare!" Gem stated harshly, pointing at Sausage. "I wasn't gonna! I wasn't gonna!" he held his hands up defensively.

"What's everyone's schedules? That never came up in conversation yesterday.." asked Gem. "I've got horticulture, or gardening 101" said Pearl. "Do we all have architecture? except Pearl?" asked fWhip. "I've got wizardry so it's just you two" said Gem. "I'm gonna be all alone!" Pearl complained. "You'll be fine! You could maybe teach me a thing or two about gardening, I chose architecture like a moron!" Sausage half-whispered. Pearl chuckled. "Alright.. I'll see what I can do for ya, mate" she muttered.

fWhip's attention turned to the bell, his eyes widened in shock. "Already!?! I thought we had so much longer!" Sausage exclaimed. "Oh god.. You guys are the reason I'm gonna be late my first day!" Gem accused. She grabbed fWhip by the wrist and began pulling him to their first class, since they have that one together. "Ohp- BYE!" he panicked. "Bye fWhippy!!!" Sausage chirped. Pearl waved. "Bye-" "fWhip! Don't make me late!" Gem tugged on his arm. "HEY!" He tried to free himself of her grasp but was proven unsuccessful.

"We have some new students this year, two of which are in this class, Gemini Tay and Fail Whip" said the teacher. fWhip hid in his scarf as some people's attention turned to them. Gem awkwardly smiled and waved.

fWhip sighed in relief as they left the room classroom 'of doom' as fWhip calls it. "Did he really have to put us on blast like that?!" he complained dramatically. "Right? Like who does that?" she replied, completely contrasting her twins energy. fWhip was about to go on when he spotted a familiar face. "Sausage!! Hi!!" Sausage looked around and smiled when he spotted him "fWhip!" "And Pearl!" the Australian called. "Did she just materialize?!" Gem stifled a laugh. They two pairs eventually made their ways to each other. "So, how was your class?" asked Pearl. "Awful! fWhip exclaimed. "Awful? How come?" asked Pearl. "That teacher put us on blast!" "And that makes it awful?" Pearl crossed her arms. "Teacher in gardening did the same thing and I had fun there" "Same here!" Sausage added. "Ah- Well- I- Whatever.." fWhip gave up. "Class was alright, How about you guys?" asked Gem. "It was fun.. We're doing basic stuff but that's to be expected" said Pearl. "Nothing much going on in my class, either" said Sausage. "Well, we'd better get ready for next class, huh?" Gem suggested. "Oh, yeah, right!" fWhip blurted out. He totally forgot about that. Pearl laughed. "You go on ahead with Sausage, I'll stick with Gem for a minute" "Okay? Why?" asked fWhip. "We have the next class together!" Sausage reminded. "Oh..." "I'll see you two during lunch!" Sausage grabbed fWhip by the wrist and left. "SAUSAGE!" Gem and Pearl waited until they were out of earshot, Pearl giving Gem a look and she instantly knew what it meant. "Do you think so?" asked Gem. "Definitely.. Did you see fWhip's face just now? He was beet red!" Pearl asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Well- It's hard to tell, Pearl!" Pearl sighed. "We can argue about this later, we seriously need to go to class" said Gem. "Right"

Architecture. It's an interesting topic, don't get him wrong but the teacher is. so. BLAND. fWhip sat next to Sausage since all the other seats were taken. Sausage was intently taking notes as fWhip was falling asleep. He may or may not have been caught staring at him, I mean what? Crazy. He wouldn't do that... fWhip put his head down and tried to fall asleep.

It's the end of the day. Finally. Don't get him wrong, schools.. Alright.. "So... How's school, you guys?" asked Pearl. "It's pretty fun!" chimed Gem. "Yeah! Especially architecture!" Sausage grinned. "Yeah... It's alright..." fWhip mumbled. "Well.. That's better than nothing.." said Gem. fWhip was putting his stuff away and wasn't really paying attention to the conversation. "I totally saw the way he looked at me during the architecture class.." he overheard Sausage very poorly whisper. Like seriously, he's the gossip king and he cant whisper for shit. "WHAT?!" "Nothing!" Pearl chuckled. "We've gotta head home soon.." said Gem, completely ignoring the previous conversation. "True" Pearl replied. "On that note, we oughta head to our lockers then" "Alright! We'll talk to you later!" Sausage chirped. "Bye!!" Pearl called as she walked away with Sausage. "Bye!!" called the twins. "Well.. We've gotta go home now.." said Gem after a bit of silence. fWhip was totally staring... "Yeah- Let's go" They head out the door and into Gem's car, making their way home

≈1,183 words above the line

heyyy, i'm finally posting :3
there's no such thing as slow burn with this fic is there
also i'm sorry for not posting i've been busy with school and writers block isnt too kind 🥲

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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