-One- The worst she can say is no.

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In case you didn't feel like reading the character descriptions, this is kinda like a 'what happened when April rejected Casey and Donnie.'

Alright, Enjoy!

No ones p.o.v

Three weeks before current time.

Donnie was pacing back in fourth in his lab. "Oh god.. what do I do?! I gotta tell her.. but what if she says no?" He whimpered. "Dee, calm down whats up with you?" Donnie jumped at the sudden noise and looked toward the lab door. "Casey?" Donnie said. "What are you doing in my lab." He asked sternly.

"Calm down Don. Just wanna know what you're up too." Casey said, walking over to Donnie, putting an arm on his shoulder. Donnie shoved his arm off his shoulder and rolled his eyes. "If you must know, Jones. I'm planning on telling April I like her." He huffed, turning into a shade of pink.

Casey smiled, dissapointment in his eyes. "Y'know she likes me better." He mocked. Donnie pushed Casey's head away, "Shut up, Jones. What do you know?"

"I know enough." Casey shoved away Donnies hand. I know she won't react to fondly of you, don. I'm only trying to protect you. Casey thought.

"Yeah, yeah. If you want we can tell her together. Lets see who she prefers." Donnie requested. Caseys hesitated then sighed. "Whatever you want, Dee." He gave in, resting his arm on the taller, purple turtle.

This time, Donnie didn't shove him off and just led him into the dojo. And there was April, chatting away with Leonardo. "April?" Casey called out.

She turned around. "Hm?" She hummed in response. "Can you meet us in the lab?" Casey continued. April nodded. "Yeah, one minute boys." Casey and Donnie scurried back to the lab.

Donnie was bright red, and extremely nervous. Casey, on the other hand, couldn't care less. He didn't really like women. Of course, that wasn't something Donnie needed to know. He only trusted Raph with that knowledge.

As April stepped into the lab, the door shut behind her, startling the turtle. Casey came up to the once purple, now bright red turtle. "Its okay Dee, worse she can say is no." Donnie nodded and turned back to April.

"H-heyyy, April." He chuckled nervously. "What did you call me in here for?" April asked, impatiently. "I- well..- uhm. Eheh." Donnie started stammering and tripping on his words.

"We like you." Casey blurted out, shocking both Donnie and April. "Like.. Like, like you." He reassured.

Donnie and Casey looked at April. She was.. disgusted. But not at Casey, at Donnie.

"I dont like either of you! And especially you, Donnie!" She shoved a finger into his plastron. "You're just a useless mutant freak!" And with that, she stormed out of the lab, and left the lair, leaving Donnie in tears.

Casey turned to Donnie. "Don.. Are you.. are you okay?" He asked worried. No response. He pulled the tall turtle into a hug, letting him cry softly into his shirt.

"Worst she could say is no?" Donnie choked out in between sobs. "I'm sorry Dee, I didn't know she'd say all if that." Casey reassured. "You don't believe that, though. Do you?" No response except the quiet whimpers from the turtle.

"Its okay dee, I got'chu." Casey soothed as Raph walked in. "Whats going on, guys? April just stormed out of the lair.." Raph trailed off as he got a good look at his younger brother. "Don?. Whats the matter?" He walked over.

He was responded my more sobs and sniffles. "Hey, Dee. You're okay, you wanna tell me what happened?" Donnie just hugges Casey tighter and shook his head. "Okay Dee. I'll leave you guys alone." Raph said as he walked out.

Raphaels p.o.v

I walked out of Donnies lab, closing the door behind me. Though, not really wanting too. I think this has something to do with April. Leonardo did say they both wanted to speak with her in the lab. That was enough evidence for me.

I storm into the living room, extremely pissed off. "Guys." I say sternly. Both Leo and Mikey turn my way. "Somethings going on with April and Donnie." Leo looks concerned. "I did see her just storm out of the lab and out the lair." Mikey nodded in agreement.

I sigh. "Donnie probably doesn't want anyone in his lab right now, but I'm pretty sure he just got harshly rejected." Both of my siblings look confused. "But.. hes gotten rejected by her before?" Mikey said.

"Yeah, but this time is different, I walked in on him and he was actually letting Casey hug him." Leo and Mikey looked at eachother. "Donnie doesn't even want to be looked at by Casey, let alone being hugged." I continued.

Leo sighed. "What? You wanna question her when she comes back?" I nod. "Exactly" I say, overconfident. "She obviously said something. Donnie never cries."

"Donnie was crying?!" Mikey and Leo exclaimed at the same time. "Donnie never cries!" Mikey continued. "Should we check on him?" Leo questioned.

"I think Casey has this one. I'm sure he'll be okay." I pointed toward the lab in reasurace.

I saw Leo and Mikey looking behind me in curiosity, so I turn around.

"Well would'ya look at that. April fuckin' O'Neil." I say. "What do you mean, Raph? Whats wrong?" She said. Is trying to play victim or something? I start to get a bit angry. "What did you do to Donnie?" I start to interrogate her.

"Oh. Donnie? What do you mean. Did something happen?" She responds, smiling. Shes trying to play dumb with me? "Dont play stupid, April." I said, signing 'stupid' in ASL.

She rolled her eyes. "Did the purple one tell you?" She asked. All three of us shook our heads. "Well, basically, both Donnie and Casey said they liked me. And well, I just rejected them."

"What did you say to them?" Leonardo said, now standing besides be. "Donnie won't just start crying just because someone rejected him. Hes not like that."

April fell silent for a minute. "Nothing much."

Everyone heard the lab door creek open, revealing Casey. "Nothing much?" Casey chuckled in disbelief, closing the door behind him. April looked.. scared? What did she do?

"Yes Casey. Nothing. Much." She continued to defend herself. "So you didn't call Donnie, and I quote, 'a useless mutant freak?'" Casey said, slowly approaching April.

Everyone fell silent. "You what?" I said in disbelief. April turned to me, stammering on her words. "Get out of the lair, April." Leo said, sternly.

April scoffed and turned to Casey. "This is all your fault, Jones." She accused and then stormed out of the lair.

"Will Dee be alright?" Mikey asked Casey, appearing behind me, making me jump and turn around.

"I'm sure he'll be alright now that Red's gone." Casey reassured as he went to go sit down on the couch.

(Finally done dude. You don't wanna know how long it took me to make this chapter ☠

1169 words)

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