-Two- Feelings?

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Present day.

Donnie p.o.v

I sigh as I tinker with the things in my lab. I'm still pretty bummed with everything going on with April. Luckily, she's been kicked out of the lair and I haven't seen her in three weeks.

I've gotten over her for the most part, but its not the same without her. Now that I think about it, she was always pretty toxic. Casey and my brothers have always been there for me, though.


I shake my head. Hes my rival, I can't have feelings for him! But.. would it be that bad to be in a relationship with...

I heard someone knocking on my door, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Who is it?" I call out.  "The one and only, Dee!" Casey said. My face flushes red. What is this feeling? "Uhm... come in." I stammer on my words.

He walked in and closed the door behind him. "How are you holding up,  Dee?" He asked, concerned. I smile. "I'm okay. For now at least." I respond. "I'm sure she'll be gone for awhile." He nods in response.

He comes and sits next to me. "What are you working on?" He asks. I shrug. "Nothing much. Just tinkering with some Kraang parts I found lying around." I respond.

"Well.." He starts. "You wanna get outta here, go topside and grab some pizza?" He catches me off gaurd. Like a date? He moves his face closer to mine as I flush redder than Raphs mask.

"Casey?" We heard Mikey yell from outside the lab, causing us to back away from eachother. "Is Dee going to get the pizza with you?" He asks. Casey looked back at me for an answer. I nodded hesitantly. He turned back around and yelled, "Yeah, Mikey! We'll be right out!"

As Casey and I were getting up, Mikey yelled again, "Remember, dudes, I need some jelly beans on mine!" We rolled our eyes. "How does half and half sound?" I call out. "Perfect!" He answers.

Me and Casey look at eachother and walked out of the lab.

"What took you so long in there?" Asked Raph. "Nothing, dude. Just asking Don if he wants to go out for pizza." Casey shrugged. "We better get going though." He says as he dragged me out of the lab.

Once we finally got topside, Casey told me to stay on the roofs while he grabbed the pizza. I gave him the list of the things Mikey wanted on his. Jelly beans, jalapeños and gummy bears. Crap like that. He'll eat basically anything.

After a couple minutes of waiting, I decide to scroll a bit on my phone. I eventually make my way to my gallery after getting bored with cat videos on YouTube. Don't understand why they are so popular.

As I'm scrolling through the gallery, I find some old pictures of everyone when we are 16 years old. I used to look at this picture all the time, just to see April. But I'm not interested in her anymore... I'm more interested in...

"Don?" I jumped as I heard Casey behind me. "What'chu lookin at?" I turn around, flustered. "Nothing." I spat. "How long have you been here?" I questioned. "Long enough for me to see you be mesmerized at the photo of all 6 of us from few years ago." I sigh and but my phone away.

"We ready to head home, Jones?" He nods. "Yeah. But first, there's something I wanna show you. Follow me" He said as he grabbed me by the hand and began to lead me to somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I question, flustered at the fact that he's holding my hand. "You'll see!" He called out as we leaped across buildings.

After a few minutes, he finally came to a sudden stop, causing me to run into him. He set down the pizzas and lead me over to the edge of the building.

I gasped.

It was beautiful. The sunset. It was gorgeous. The mixture of bright oranges, pinks and reds. But.. why would he take me here? Aren't we still technically rivals?

"Beautiful, aint it?" He asks. I nodded in response, still gazing at the sunset. I still felt his eyes looking at me.

I looked over you him. "You're staring.." I told him. He just kept staring into my eyes. I started to flush red as he inched closer.

"U-uhm Shouldn't we, eh.. go get the pizzas to the guys? Mikey is probably starving by now and Sensei won't be happy if we are gone any longer." I say as I back up. He looked dissapointed, but nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Let's go." Casey said as he got up.

Once we finally got home, everyone was waiting for us on the couch. Even Splinter. "What took ya'll so long?" Mikey said, getting up to take the pizza boxes from us. "Michealangelo, sit back down." Splinter said sternly. Mikey obeyed and went to go sit in between Leo and Raph, who both glared at splinter.

I took a pizza slice from Casey and went to my lab as he was passing out the boxes. "Where you going, Dee?" Casey asked. "Just my lab." I responded, taking a bite of pizza and scurrying into my lab.

I sat down on my desk and started to think to myself. I don't understand what's going on between me and Casey. Whats going on?

What are these feelings?

(914 Words.)

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