Chapter 5

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I nodded and looked over and before I new it my feet had a mind of their own guiding me to none other than- Abraxas Malfoy.

I looked up at the intimidating man and said, "yes mr Malfoy?"

"What is a muggle born like you doing with my son?" He said annoyed glaring at you.

"I- what?" I say confused as to how he knew me.

"(Fn) (Ln)... it's been awhile since I heard your last name. Your mother was a well known witch as I'm sure you know." He said in a serious tone no expression to his voice and face.

"What do you want...?" I asked losing my patience.

"So what was your father's name again?" He asked smirking a bit.

"I- I-"

"Ah that's right he was some muggle man, you never met him and your mother had a little one nighter and poof here you are. How funny." He said smirking.

"Alright wanker, what the fuck do you want?" I asked losing it.

This gained a bit of attention as people turned their heads watching you yell at Abraxas.

"Nothing really, just stay away from my son. You were an accident for a reason." He said waving off as he walked away.

He left the party as you stood there fuming with anger. Lucius walked over and said, "what was that about?"

"Nothing, but turns out I can hate someone more that I hate you which is shocking." You said as Lucius opened his jacket and pulled out a small keg of fire whiskey. He pouted some in his glass of punch and said, "care for some?"

"I'll need a full glass of that to get through the night." I say as I walk with him grabbing a glass of fruit punch from the table and adding the fire whiskey to it.

You and Lucius watched as people danced, meanwhile the two of you drank your whiskey.

"You know... I don't blame you for hating my father. You're not the only one to do so." He said smirking, "I quite hate him myself." He sipped his drink glancing at you.

I look at him sipping my drink and say, "really?"

"Oh hell yes, he's so... controlling. Do this, do that, marry her, get this, blah blah blah." He said annoyed.

You nodded feeling the burning of the fire whiskey down your throat. Lucius looked at you seeing people dance and he held his hand out to you and said, "shall we?"

I smile softly and sigh saying, "sure."

The music wasn't ballroom music anymore but more of club music. People were swaying and dancing. Lucius took your hands and danced with you spinning you around with ease. His vampire cape flowed around with his movements and his fangs showed every now and then.

Lucius held your waist and swayed your hips. You blushed a bit and suddenly it clicked in your mind why people were attracted to him- the way he was able to do all of this seemed unhuman in a way. He turned you around and pulled your hips to his pelvis and held your waist firmly. You could smell the alcohol and said softly, "lucius... your-"

"Shhh I don't care that I'm drunk." He said holding your waist as he swayed his hips with yours.

You blushed and bit your lip as he leaned down as if he was about to place his face in your neck.

"Ok everyone!" One of the Slytherin girls called startling Lucius and you.

He sighed and patted your back as he urged you to walk over where all the students where sitting around in a circle as the girl laid the bottle on the ground.

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