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'Shit...' I think as Madara sends blast of fire at me. I barely move out of the way in time, and still hit the ground immediately after. My chakra is depleted, I have a major would in the side of my torso, and I have several broken bones and other injuries. Madara walks over to me as I slip in and out of consciousness and steps on my chest.

I inhale sharply at the contact and catch a look of pity in his eyes. "It is such a pity that you had to die now. I was just beginning to start to enjoy our little dance! You could've had everything in my Infinite Tsukuyomi." Madara says in a low, mocking tone as I bleed out beneath his feet. "Everyone you loved is dead." His foot pushed harder on my chest. "You have nowhere to go and no means to escape. You are about to die!" He says, chuckling. "Anyways, I respect you deeply. The only other person who was able to dance with me this long was Hashirama, and even he died in the end. I am surprised you held out this long. Goodbye, Uzumaki Naruto." His foot finally pushes straight through my ribcage, crushing my organs.

No! No, I can't die now! I still need to...

A blinding light envelops me, and a deep voice booms in my head.

'You're not dying on me, Kit. I'll make sure of it.'


I catch one confused, shocked look from Madara before I'm transported somewhere far, far away.

How was that for a prologue? Well, a bit more of a teaser or a peek into my writing style. And its pretty short-  279 words.

•○Love Is Nothing to Be Ashamed Of○• <KAKANARU>Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora