Chapter 1

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I hit the ground hard. I still have a hole through my chest, so pain racks my body. My chakra is drained severely, and I can barely move. I groan as a bright light shines through my eyelids. I want to curse at the sudden intrusion to my pupils, but my jaw doesn't move. I guess the adrenaline rush has worn off. I can't even move a muscle.

I hear shuffling around me and quiet voices. Suddenly, I'm lifted off the grassy ground, a hand behind my head and a hand under my knees. The wind on my tattered body feels nice, but the jostling is too much, and I twitch in pain. My holder seems to notice and slows down a bit. I can barely stay conscious in the state I'm in. My head droops, and a smooth voice sounds in my ear, "Don't you die. We're almost to Konoha."

I smile slightly and whisper, "I'm not dead yet..."


Once again, I wake up to bright lights glaring through my eyelids, but this time, I feel much better physical-wise. I open my eyes and then slowly bring up my arm to shield my still-sensitive pupils. I groan and wait for my vision to clear before looking at my surroundings.  A door opens to my left, and a man in white robes walks in. "Ah, I see you're finally awake." The man says.

I scrunch my eyes and see that the man in white is, in fact, the 3rd Hokage. "Jiji?" I say, my voice barely a whisper. The 3rd Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, raises an eyebrow at the nickname. "Hm..." He says, studying me in my half asleep state. I prop myself up on my elbows and say, "How long have I been out for?" Jiji looks at me dead in the eyes and says, "A month." A MONTH!?

My eyes widen, and my mouth pops open, making an O shape. Finally, I gather the strength to sit up fully and swing my legs over the side of the hospital bed. "I wouldn't do that if -" Jiji says. But it's too late. I spring off the bed and fall face-flat onto the wooden floor. Jiji sighs and says, "Told you." I lay there for a minute, taking in the fact that I'm lying right in front of the first person I've ever thought of as family. He was like a grandad to me. And he has been dead for 5 years.

I pick myself off of the floor and sit against the side of the bed. Why am I here? Why is Jiji alive and well right in front of me? Who brought me here? WHERE THE HELL AM I!? I stare at my hands in confusion, checking my chakra reserves. The hole in my chest is healed fully, I have no broken bones. Scars and bruises litter my body...

Jiji signals for the ANBU that winged him to wait outside before putting up sound-minimizing seals around the room and locking the door. I look up from the ground as he walks over with his hands behind his back and sits down on the bed. "I want you to tell me everything."

Chapter 1 is done, and I'm actually quite proud of myself! I liked how this chapter came along. I don't proofread my chapters, so please tell me if I spell something wrong or mix up a phrase! Thank you, reader-chan!

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