Chapter 4

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As I ran around training ground 44, dispelling every clone I could manage, I was also lost in thought. Sensei? I mean, I could see the savior part. I found Naruto on the outskirts of the village on my way back from a mission with Snake. I carried the blonde teenager back to Konoha. He bore a Konoha headband, after all. Snake was against bringing him and stripped the boy of his weapons, but for some reason, I felt a pull towards Naruto. It was like I knew him from somewhere, I recognized him.

Lord Third didn't give us the full details, just that the boy I saved claimed to be Naruto Uzumaki, the newborn baby who Lord Third and a handful or trustworthy medic nin took care of Naruto. The blonde was born not even 2 months ago, so how was he a literal 17 year old, now? It didn't take a prodigy to come to the conclusion that the newcomer had to have come from somewhere far, far away from here. A time traveler, perhaps? No, that's not possible. There are many things that can be achieved through days with Ninjutsu, and time travel isn't one of them.

Or was it?


It can't be...

Could it?

Just then, kunais shot at me from all directions. Where did they come from? Naruto Uzumaki. There were 5 Narutos, the same amount of Narutos I had left behind. I couldn't tell which one was the real Naruto. With my sharingan active, I dodged and deflected all of the kunai with one of my own. Two Narutos jumped at me and engaged me in a Taijutsu battle. He was good.

I got a direct hit on one of the Narutos, and another one took his place. They were so persistent that I couldn't escape the tiring battle. I punched, kicked, dodged, and ducked until I found an opening to use a substitution jutsu. There are too many of them.. I did a few handsigns, grabbed my wrist, and sent lightning chakra to my hand. Soon, the forest was filled with chi chi chi sounds.

I shot at every Naruto I could see, taking out at least 3 Narutos. Just one left. It was too late. The original Naruto had left a clone on standby to use when he ran out. The said clone was creating a spinning ball of wind chakra in Naruto's hand. "Rasengan!" I'm doomed. That was the last thought I had before I got a blow to the stomach with the spinning blue ball, knocking my unconscious.


I sighed, catching the unconscious Hatake before he slammed into a tree. I meant to lower the power in the Rasengan so it wouldn't blow him away, but it's a lot harder than it looks. I took off his ANBU mask and looked at the boy. He had bags under his eyes from sleep deprivation. Now, he looked much less stressed. He looked... peaceful. I put his mask back on him and carried him bridal style to the place where Bear sat against a tree.

When I found the brown haired ANBU, I lifted his mask, too. So, Captain Yamato was in ANBU? Makes sense. He was a very skilled Jounin. I carry Bear to the Hokage, first, since he has worse injuries. "So, you defeated Bear. I'm impressed. What about Dog? Where is he?" Jiji said with a small smile. I layed Bear down on the ground, gently, and brushed the dirt off my bright orange jacket. There wasn't much damage to me, so it wouldn't be much of a hassle for me to wash.

"He's in the forest, still. He's unconscious and has taken hits as well. I didn't want to bring them at the same time in case I worsened their current states." I say, a light frown crossing my face. Jijis eyes widen with that statement. "Knocked out my ANBU captain?" My eyes widen as well, and I bow in apology. "S-sorry, Jiji. I tried not to injure him too badly in the process, but he sure was a tough opponent, ya know-" Jiji holds a hand up and says, "No, no, Naruto-kun, I'm not mad. I'm quite impressed, actually. He was one of my best ANBU. You were only in the forest for an hour, anyway. You have become a fine shinobi, Naruto-kun."

I stand up, still embarrassed, but I give a warm smile. "Arigato, Jiji." I say before running back into the forest to fetch Kakashi. Before I reach the gate, I turn back around. "Say, Jiji! Are you gonna tell Kakashi about me!?" I yell back at Jiji. The old man smiles warmly and nods. "Soon."

Sorry, I'm not the best at fight scenes 😅 but I hope you liked it! 802 words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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