𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 5

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Sabrina POV

I woke up feeling like I had a violent headache. I realized it was probably just my brain coming to terms with what happened, and punishing me for it. I felt horrible, I'm not a home-wrecker.

Says every home-wrecker ever.

I stopped myself, because I knew if I didn't, I would have ended up in a hotel room instead of my bed. I also knew that I would feel miserable and guilty. I wouldn't be able to look Brinley in the eye and would have to move again. I still felt really guilty; because I liked it. I actually liked the way he looked at me, and made me feel like the rest of the hotel blurred out and disappeared.

I was dreading going into work today. I honestly would love to stay in bed all day and not move. I petted Vienna and asked her what I should do. I wish she could talk, honestly I feel she'd be a very wise companion.

She looked at me and meowed, I guess that means I have to go to work, or I'm delusional. Or both.

I got dressed in a black turtleneck and a tan skirt. I am in mourning that I am a whore. I left my hair down, not bothering to straighten my curls. I slipped on a cute pair of black chunky heels, which is the worst idea when walking to the subway. I got on the train and sat down listening to music. Having my main character moment of course. Pink+White started playing. Always love me some Frank, he really just knows what words to say.

I felt a girl tap on my shoulder, and I looked at her for a minute. I yanked out my headphones and heard, "Sabrina! Oh my god." I recognize that voice.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, FUCK. That is the only way to describe what is happening at this moment.

"Oh wow! Hello Natalia, how are you?" I nervously asked her, because quite honestly I have no idea what to say. I worked with her in New Jersey. She was the sweetest person, always organizing office parties, and always making everyone smile. I forget how close Jersey is to New York. This is my worst nightmare, sat in front of me in a gift with a large pink bow.

"I'm good, for sure. Just regular work travel. I really think I should ask you that, we were all a little surprised when you quit." she said in a sad tone. "I know, I'm sorry. Maybe I just needed a change of scenery."

"You know, James was the most surprised out of all of us. I thought you guys were getting on well?"

James. The name made my stomach churn a little bit. He almost wrecked my usual life routine. I almost let him. I sat there not answering for a moment.

Just thinking of the times we spent together. The cuddles, the dinners, the secret smiles at work.

The train halted, and it was at my stop. "Just bad timing I guess." I said while getting up. "It was nice seeing you Natalia." My stomach was put at ease for a moment.

That was until I saw the office, and it was all over.


I scanned my ID badge and gave a suck it look to the security guard. Rude, I know, but I'm having a bad day, hopefully work runs smoothly. It's Friday, and all I can think about is 2 days away from this place, a nice relaxing weekend. Most likely just sitting on the couch with Vienna watching Real Housewives.

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