Chapter 1

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Hare Krishna
Chapter 1

Anubhav fixed his bow tie with a practised gesture, his silver eyes reflecting a quiet determination. Tonight was no ordinary night for him. He was dressed in his waiter's attire, blending seamlessly into the bustling party atmosphere, yet carrying a secret burden that no one could perceive. As he took a deep breath, he mentally prepared himself for the night's ordeal.

Balancing the drinks plate with practised precision, he weaved gracefully through the guests, offering smiles and nods in place of words. He had grown accustomed to this silence, finding solace in the unspoken moments that passed between himself and the world. Though he couldn't utter a single syllable, his expressive eyes spoke volumes, conveying emotions that words could never capture.

The party's vibrant energy swirled around him, but his focus remained unwavering. The clinking of glasses, the laughter, and the music washed over him like a distant tide. Yet, amidst the joviality, he bore a heavy weight in his heart.

ANUBHAV was a resilient 23-year-old man, who had weathered the storms of life from a young age. The devastating loss of his parents at the tender age of 15 had left him with a heavy heart and a soul burdened by responsibility. As a relentless flood swept away his family's home and dreams, it thrust him into a world of uncertainty and hardship.

With the weight of his young brother Dhruv's future on his shoulders, Anubhav embarked on a journey of survival. There was no time to grieve or to be consumed by sorrow. He donned the mantle of both brother and guardian, becoming the anchor that held Dhruv's world together.

In the wake of tragedy, Anubhav knew he had to be strong. With a fierce determination, he dove into a multitude of odd jobs, anything that could provide a meagre income to support their basic needs. From being a bartender, skillfully mixing drinks with a silent grace, to taking on shifts as a waiter, carrying plates with poise, working late nights at a fuel station, he did what he must to keep food on their table and a roof over their heads.

Life had carved deep lines of maturity on his young face, but he carried himself with an unyielding spirit, never losing sight of the love and responsibility he held for Dhruv. In the absence of spoken words, his expressive eyes spoke of his unwavering love and fierce protectiveness for his little brother.

Though Anubhav's journey was strewn with challenges, he faced them head-on, determined to navigate the currents of life. He knew that he couldn't turn back time, but he could shape the future. Dhruv's well-being became his North Star, guiding him through the darkest of nights and the stormiest of days.

With each drink he served and each smile he offered, Anubhav's mind raced, calculating the value of this night. The promise of an unimaginable sum of money awaited him, a lifeline that could secure Dhruv's future and save him from the shadows of uncertainty. Yet, it came at a cost he was unsure he could bear.

Anubhav deftly balanced the plate of drinks, making his way through the jubilant crowd of party-goers. As a mute bartender, he was well-acquainted with the subtle art of sign language, gracefully responding to their signals and requests. A group of girls, led by Neha Singh, the birthday girl, celebrating her 27th birthday, waved him over for more drinks.

With a practised smile, Anubhav approached the group. He exchanged nods and gestures, silently confirming their orders. As he reached for the drinks, fate had other plans in store. Out of the blue, a girl collided into him, sending the contents of the plate splattering in every direction.

Anubhav's heart raced with momentary panic, but he managed to suppress any signs of frustration or distress. He couldn't afford to draw attention to the mishap, not when everyone around him was immersed in the throes of celebration and intoxication.

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