Chapter 4

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Hare Krishna
Chapter 4

As Nitara explored the flat, her attention was drawn to a room with a cute teddy bear hanging on the door. Intrigued, she opened the door and found herself in a room painted in a soothing shade of soft blue. A young boy lay asleep on the bed, and her heart skipped a beat as she realised that it was Dhruv, Anubhav's younger brother.

Anubhav stood at the door, observing her as she approached the sleeping boy. With a hint of sadness in his eyes, he typed on his phone's screen, "He sleeps most of the time of the day." Nitara nodded in understanding, realising that Dhruv's health condition required him to rest more than usual.

She gently sat on the edge of the bed and lightly touched Dhruv's cheeks, trying to wake him up softly. "Hello," she whispered in a soft, melodic voice, tapping his shoulders with care. Dhruv stirred slightly, his eyelids fluttering as he gradually opened his eyes.

In that tender moment, she felt a connection forming with the boy who held such significance in Anubhav's life. Dhruv's eyes blinked sleepily, and as he focused on Nitara's face, a small smile crept onto his lips although he was confused at first. His eyes, though weakened by his condition, held a glimmer of warmth as he met Nitara's gaze.

Anubhav observed the interaction with a mixture of apprehension and hope. He had always been protective of his younger brother, and seeing Nitara approach Dhruv with such kindness touched his heart deeply.

As Nitara introduced herself to Dhruv, she could sense the bond between the brothers. The love and care that Anubhav held for Dhruv were evident in the way he looked at his brother. Nitara realised that taking care of Dhruv wasn't just a responsibility but a labour of love for Anubhav.

"Hello Dhruv! My name is Nitara." She introduced herself.

" Hi," he smiled at her, his gaze momentarily shifting on Anubhav.

"What are you doing in our home, Nitara... didi?" He asked

"Hmm...good question. Well, I have come to stay with you. From now on I will stay with you. You will let me live here right?" she spoke with a big smile on her face.

He eagerly nodded. " But why will you live with us? Did your parents also die like ours?" He asked, looking at her.

She nodded, "Yeah. That's why from now on I will live with my husband and cute devar ji," With that she squeezed his cheeks.

"You ... .you married bhaiya?" He asked as realisation dawned upon him.

Nitara nodded, "Yes."

"Do you love my bhaiya?" He asked, hope evident in his eyes.

Nitara stilled but quickly recovered, " I do, I care for him and as well as you."

A big grin appeared on his face as he quickly hugged Anubhav, " Bhaiya, I like her already."

Nitara smiled at Anubhav before saying, " Won't I get a hug?" She chipped in. Dhruv initially hesitated but as Anubhav gave him a nod of encouragement , he opened his arms wide and hugged her tightly.

After spending some time getting to know her new surroundings and Dhruv, Nitara decided to settle herself in Anubhav's room. She wanted to make it feel more like her own space. She began to arrange her clothes and books, carefully placing them in the room. The process allowed her to feel a sense of ownership and comfort in what was now her shared living space.

As the evening approached, Nitara realized that she needed some groceries to prepare dinner. She took out her phone and began typing a list of items she needed - flour, butter, paneer, baking powder, cocoa powder, and a few other essentials.

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