Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

With the first rays of dawn gently filtering through the curtains, Nitara stirred awake, feeling a sense of purpose guiding her. With a quiet determination, she rose from the bed and set about her morning routine.

As the sun began its ascent in the sky, Nitara moved through the modest confines of their home, tidying up and dusting away the remnants of the night.

After completing her chores, Nitara retreated to the small wooden temple tucked away in a corner of their home. With reverence, she lit the incense sticks and offered her heartfelt prayers to the divine presence of Lord Krishna. In the sanctity of that sacred space, she poured out her hopes and fears, seeking solace and guidance in the quiet moments of introspection.

With closed eyes and hands folded in prayer, Nitara beseeched the almighty for the strength to navigate the uncertainties that lay ahead. She entrusted her dreams and aspirations into the divine hands, knowing that with faith as her anchor, she could weather any storm that came her way.

As Nitara bustled around the kitchen, the comforting aroma of tea and breakfast filling the air, she sensed a presence behind her. Turning around, she found Anubhav standing there, his expression unreadable, but his eyes holding a depth of emotion that spoke volumes.

"Arey, Anubhav ji. Aap uth gaye? Good morning," she greeted him, but he remained lost in thought, his gaze distant. Concerned, Nitara approached him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" she asked softly.

For a long moment, Anubhav simply stared at her, his misty eyes betraying the turmoil within. Finally, he moved to sit on a nearby stool and retrieved his phone, his fingers swiftly typing out a message.

Seeing you in the kitchen today, I remembered my parents. My mother used to make us breakfast with a towel wrapped around her hair, and my father would sit on the floor and chop vegetables. Nitara ji, you've made this house feel like home again.

Reading his heartfelt words, Nitara felt a swell of warmth in her chest. Smiling tenderly, she embraced him in a hug, the silent exchange of understanding and gratitude binding them closer together.

After a while, Anubhav reciprocated the hug, his arms enveloping her as he buried his face in her stomach. Overwhelmed with emotion, Nitara whispered softly, "Anubhav ji, you are my home."

After showering and enjoying breakfast, Anubhav prepared to leave for his shift at the cafe, his routine for four days of the week. Just as he was about to step out the door, Nitara called out to him.

"Suniye," she called, holding out a lunchbox, "ye aap ka tiffin."

Anubhav's eyes lit up with gratitude as he accepted the lunchbox, his silent appreciation evident in his warm smile. Before leaving, he leaned down to kiss his younger brother on the forehead, exchanging a glance of reassurance with Nitara.

As Anubhav departed for work, Nitara settled into the day's tasks, organising their belongings with meticulous care. She made sure Dhruv took his medications on time, marvelling at his resilience despite his health challenges. Discovering one of Dhruv's drawings, she was astounded by the talent displayed by the ten-year-old, a testament to his creativity and spirit.

With plans to resume college the following Monday, Nitara focused on nurturing her bond with Dhruv, cherishing the moments they shared together. As she fed him lunch, Dhruv looked up at her with a serious expression.

"Bhabhi, you won't ever leave us, right?" he asked earnestly.

Nitara's heart swelled with love as she embraced him tightly, her voice filled with conviction. "No, Dhruv. I won't ever leave the only people who have made me feel at home. Only death can take me away," she assured him, her words a solemn vow to remain by their side through thick and thin.

After finishing his shift at the café, Anubhav made his way to meet Rajendra as agreed. He arrived at Rajendra's office, greeted by the disapproving gaze of the receptionist, who eyed his worn-out attire and shoes with judgment.

Despite the unwelcoming atmosphere, Anubhav patiently waited for three long hours until finally, Rajendra summoned him into his office. As Anubhav entered, Rajendra wasted no time in displaying his disdain.

"Ye le goonge, tere paise. Ab dafa ho ja," Rajendra sneered, tossing a cheque in Anubhav's direction.

Anubhav bowed his head in silent acceptance, picking up the cheque for 10 lakhs with a mixture of humiliation and resignation. Though his pride may have been wounded, he knew that this money was the lifeline for his beloved brother Dhruv. In that moment, Dhruv's well-being outweighed any semblance of self-respect Anubhav harboured. Determinedly, he tucked the cheque away, resolved to do whatever it took to ensure his brother's health and happiness.

As Anubhav made his way home late at night from his second job at the petrol pump, thoughts swirled tumultuously in his mind. The weight of the day's events pressed heavily upon him, yet the burden seemed somewhat lighter now that he held the means to afford his brother's much-needed treatment. However, this newfound relief was tinged with a profound sense of guilt and apprehension.

The money he now possessed had come at a steep cost – the sacrifice of a young girl's life, his wife, Nitara. She was now his responsibility, a responsibility he felt acutely as he traversed the dimly lit streets. Could he truly provide for her? His earnings barely amounted to 25 thousand rupees a month, a modest sum compared to the affluent background Nitara hailed from.

Anubhav grappled with uncertainty, questioning his ability to offer Nitara the life she deserved. Would he be able to provide her with the comfort and security she was accustomed to? Could he ensure her happiness amidst the challenges they faced?

Lost in contemplation, Anubhav trudged onward, each step weighed down by the burden of his doubts and fears. Yet, deep within him, a flicker of determination remained, a resolve to do whatever it took to fulfill his obligations and safeguard the well-being of his newfound wife.

Sorry for the late update. I was in an accident.

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Radhe Radhe

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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