Chapter 3

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Hare Krishna

Chapter 3

As Rajendra left the room, a defiant fire ignited in Nitara's eyes. She couldn't let his cruel words break her spirit. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she turned towards the door he had just exited and spoke with a determined tone, "If you think you can control my life and happiness by marrying me off to a mute and poor man, then you are gravely mistaken, Uncle!"

Her words reverberated through the room, a declaration of her inner strength and a refusal to be confined by his manipulative plans. Nitara refused to be a mere pawn in Rajendra's game of power and control.

"You may have forced me into this marriage, but you will never break me," Nitara continued, her voice growing stronger with each word. "I am not defined by the circumstances you impose on me. I will rise above them and shape my own destiny."

Anubhav stood beside her, his eyes filled with admiration and support for the courage she displayed. Even though he couldn't speak, his presence was a silent reassurance that they were in this together.

Nitara's words seemed to hang in the air, challenging Rajendra's authority and defying the chains he tried to bind her with. His sinister smile faltered for a moment, and perhaps, in that fleeting instant, he realised that he couldn't control the indomitable spirit of the young woman before him.

With newfound strength, Nitara stood tall, her resolve unshaken. "I won't let you dictate my happiness," she declared firmly. "I will find a way to make the best of this situation, with or without your approval."

The room fell silent, the weight of her words and determination palpable. Nitara had spoken her truth, asserting her right to chart her own course, even amidst the uncertainty of her current situation.

Anubhav's heart swelled with admiration for the brave woman he now called his wife. He might be mute, but through their unspoken connection, he communicated his unwavering support and the promise to stand by her side as they faced whatever challenges lay ahead.

“Namaste bhabhi ji. Welcome to the family. I am Sharat, your husband’s friend.”

As Nitara smiled and nodded in response to Sharat's warm greeting, a small glimmer of relief washed over her.  Despite the circumstances, it felt comforting to have someone by her side who welcomed her with open arms into this new, albeit unexpected, phase of her life.

“Namaste Sharat bhaiya," Nitara replied softly, grateful for the kind gesture and the presence of a friend amidst the unfamiliarity of her new surroundings.

Seeing the determination in Nitara's eyes, Sharat recognized the strength she carried within her. He knew that she was not one to be easily defeated by challenges. She had a resilient spirit, and he silently vowed to support her and Anubhav through whatever lay ahead.

As Nitara handed her phone to Sharat, she expressed a simple yet profound desire – to capture the moment.

"Can you please click a photo of me and Anubhav ji?" she asked, holding onto Anubhav's arm.

Sharat smiled, understanding the significance of this moment. With a sense of camaraderie, he took the phone, preparing to capture the memory for them.

“Thank you, Sharat bhaiya," she said, taking her phone back.

"You both look great together," Sharat remarked, trying to lighten the mood. "It's a beautiful moment to cherish."

Anubhav's gaze never left Nitara, silently conveying his appreciation for her willingness to embrace this unexpected union with grace and poise.

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