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All of a suddenly the fire alarm went off and they had to all go out the front.
"Come on." Gina said.
"This a drill?" Tee asked.
"It wasn't at burnywood." Rick stated.
"But all are stuffs up there."
"Come on." Gina continued to get the children out.
"This better be a joke." Liam pulled Tyler.
"I didn't do nothing." He argued as Liam went and stood with the group.
"Just go on." Gina said repeatedly.
"Right who turned of the fire alarm?" Dennis yelled.
"Me, I just thought I'd let you know the attics on fire." Elektra pointed.
"Where's Harry?" Gina asked as she turned back to look at the kids.
"He has a den in the attic." Tyler stated.
Liv looked at Tracy before they both ran in, Tracy first.
"Harry are you up here?" Liv yelled as she couldn't see him.
"Harry!" They both started shouted. They wasn't there but they could barely see with the smoke.
Tracy took of her bandage and went close to look behind.
"My notebooks, my notebooks!" Gus came and saw the box on fire.
Liv grabbed him to keep him away. "No no it's not safe!"
They were both trying to keep him away when Dennis grabbed him roughly and took him downstairs. "It's alright Gus, calm down!" Tracy shouted.
As they got outside. "You shouldn't of grabbed him like that!" Tracy exclaims.
"Why? You'd have just let him burn?" Dennis coughed as he moved behind the kids.
"Harry!" Liv saw him and hugged him.
"We thought you were up there." Tracy looked up.
"I was."
"But all are stuffs up there." Tee said before she got pushed by Dennis to keep her back. "Get back!"
"Ow!" She said as everyone turned around.
"What happened?" Johnny went over.
"He pushed me." Tee got help from Johnny to get her up.
"You alright?" Johnny asked.
"I didn't touch her, silly girl slipped in the mud, well what do you expect it's been raining all night."Dennis defended himself.
"Come here." Liam pulled Liv to him and hugged her.

"Hey guys how you doing?" Lizanne walked over to the pool table where Liv,Liam and Frank were.
"Alright." Frank smiled.
"Frank it's your shot." Liam stated. "Come on 10 minutes till Dennis kicked us out."
"This won't take long, look I'm sorry to ask but I really need to borrow some cash." She pleaded.
"Of course you do." Liv chuckled.
"What is that suppose to mean." Lizanne walked up to her.
"I mean, you stole Johnnys cash but you still want more, just because your pretty doesn't mean you can go around asking people for cash and they'll give it to you!" Liv got in her face.
"Right chill Liv." Liam pulled her back.
"Please my mum's supposed to getting out of hospital and I've ran out of credit on the mobile." She looks at Frank.
"Use the cash you nicked." Liv sighed.
"That wasn't me Olivia." She argued. "You believe me don't you Frank." She walked closer.
"Yeah. You didn't end up calling us up." Frank walked over to her taking out a tenna.
"Thanks Frank I owe you a big one." She took it and kissed his cheek.
"What you doing, your meant to be a scammer not a mark." Liam went up to him.
"I know."
"She's a user mate. Bad news." Liam said.
"She's playing you to get cash." Liv added.
"She's alright." He turned back and hit his shot.

"What we're you doing?" Liam asks after he found out Lizanne and him were together when the fire happened.
"We were just talking."
"About what?"

"Lizanne can I borrow your phone I need to make an argent call." Liam said as him and Liv walked in the kitchen.
"So now you want a favour from me?"
"Okay Frank can I use the credit that you paid for."
"Mate don't make me take sides."
"We won't just take it." She handed it to him.
He started looking
"What you doing?" She asked.
"I thought your mum was getting out of hospital."
"She is."
"Why haven't you called her? Why have you made loads of called to someone called Romeo."
"My brother, he's picking he up."
"Course he is." He chuckled.
"You really wanna know. My mum is getting out of hospital the Psychiatric ward. She's been sectioned again."
"Why didn't you say that before?" Liam asked.
"Being a care kids bad enough, I don't want to be the care kid with a mental mum."
"You buying any of this?" He asks Frank.
"Leave her alone!"
"It's okay." He put her arm on her back.
"So now you know the truth. Do you still like me?"
Frank kissed her cheek. Then Liam walked grabbing Livs hand with him.

Everyone was stood outside the office, while Dennis was shouting out her because his fell through the ceiling in the attic.
"ID" he held out his hand. She gave it to him. "Keys" she gave him them. "Now go get the rest of your things together, I want you gone within the hour.

"Well i guess this is goodbye." She came down the stairs.
"Nah you'll be back." Lily stated. "You always are."
"I don't know. I really messed up this time."
"Come on you've done worse." Liam said.
"Thanks guys. Glad to know your all on my side." She smiles, then Dennis walks in. "Don't worry I'm going."
"You'll come back to visit right?" Tee asks.
"Course I will."
"All visits will need to be pre-approved by the head care worker." Dennis stated. "And your social workers."
"I didn't do it Tracy." Harry hugged her.
"I know."
Tracy looked at Liv who was worried. "Come here."
She hugged her.
Dennis coughed.
"Bye guys." She smiled as she left.
"Bye." They all said.
10 seconds later, she ringed the doorbell.
"What?"Dennis asked but she just
pushed past "Hey! I told you to get out!"
"Rick! Rick!" She shouted as he came down the stairs with kitty.
"Yours I believe. Someone just chucked these out your window. Granthams full strength. The attic smokers choice."
"What's going on?" Kitty asks.
"Nothing. It's okay." Rick said.
"Kitty do you know anything about these?" Tracy questioned.
"I found them in my room."
"Someone put them there." Rick said. "Kitty gave them to me and I threw them out."
"So you admit it, Kitty had cigarettes and you helped her hide them." Dennis stated.
"No that's not what I said."
"Shh give me those." He put out his hand to the cigarettes tracy was holding. "Your both on sanctions , you don't leave the house till further notice and I'll be passing these onto the fire investigators."
"Dennis." Mike stopped him.
"No no Mike we'll talk in my office. You get out. The rest of you, go to your rooms." He said to Mike, then Tracy, then everyone else.

While Liv was in her room, Liam and the others planned something to get Frank to realise Lizanne's bad news.

"Okay so we've got the plan sorted." Liam said about to get ready.
"Wait aren't we gonna tell Liv?" Carmen asks.
"No way. She won't let me do it if I tell her. She hates Lizanne and if she finds out it's gonna turn into a wrestling match that doesn't end."
"But Liam she's your girlfriend." Tee stated.
"So, she'll never find out she's upstairs. Come on let's do this."

Back with Liv.

She was just reading her book for ages but then he chapter got so boring, so she decided to go find Liam. He was probably in the living room.
She walked and saw Carmen filming, she didn't say anything so she just stood behind them to see what was happening.
"Franks really sweet but we're not exclusive or anything." Lizanne smiled.
"Does that mean you open to other offers?" Liam flirted.
She kissed him on the lips. (I changed it so it wasn't the cheek)
He looked surprised. He looked at the girls who were filming but saw Liv stood there tearing up.
"Liam!" Frank walked in.
"Frank wait!" Lizanne ran after him.
"Liv—" Liam rushed to her but she was already leaving. "Liv!"
"I don't want to hear it!" She stopped before she got to the stairs. Everyone came and watched even Tracy.
"Please let me explain." He pleaded, desperately.
"What is there to explain!" She sobbed.
"I did it because I wanted to show Frank what she was really like, I didn't know she was gonna kiss me." Liam said trying to hold Liv's hand. She paused for a minute.
"I don't even care, she kissed you I know but you know what hurts is that you didn't even tell me you were doing that. Yeah you didn't know but you could of at told me. I thought I could trust you." Liv sobbed.
"You c-can trust me." Liam stated, stuttering a little.
"This." She pointed at her and Liam. "This is over." She ran upstairs moving everyone out the way.
"LIV!" Liam ran after her managing to catch up.
"Please, I didn't tell you because you wouldn't of let me done it and Frank would of got mugged off."
"That's what you would of thought. Well you obviously don't know we well enough then. Couple shouldn't keep secrets anyway." She pushed him with angry and sadness. "We're done." She slammed her bedroom door, sliding down it and crying.

"Dennis is gone! Your missing all the fun." Tracy came into Livs room. "Look I know what Liam did was wrong but—" she sits down.
"Tracy. Every day I tell Liam never keep a secret from me of no ever lie to me. Yeah it was fake and all but he didn't tell me, you may think well it's not that big of a deal but to me it is." Liv spoke.
"All I'm saying is you'll always love him no matter what happens, you never forget your first love." She told her.

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