The Deep Dark

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[I'm gonna start from chapter 13 cuz it stinks and I hate it and I'm prolly gonna rewrite the whole thing and change the story idk]

they continued running from the explosions when they came across a cave and decided to stay there until the explosions stopped. while waiting, Yellow noticed some sort of glowing blue thing and followed it without anyone noticing, planning to just take a little look. but he went much, much deeper. Blue was looking around, counting his friends. And that's when he realized Yellow was gone.

"Hey, uh, guys? Have you seen Yellow? He came in here with us, didn't he?"
Blue asked, looking side to side, thinking maybe he just missed him. but the others were utterly clueless. And Red's probably not even listening at all. He looks like he's about to have a panic attack. He keeps squeezing Second's hand, and Second would always have to comfort him from time to time. He's always scared. 

other than that, nobody saw Yellow or see where he went. so they assumed he just wandered into the cave to explore a little, and he'll come back. But as they waited, and waited, the silence grew louder with only the sounds of frogs and bats. until Blue finally snapped and stood up.

"I'm gonna look for him."

"hey- but it's dangerous in there!"
Green tried to protest, but Blue just rolled his eyes at him.

"Well, if it's dangerous, then someone has to save him! you're free to come."

he starts walking deeper into the cave, while Green just stood there, open-mouthed in disbelief. before he grunted and walked into the cave as well, crossing his arms. Of course, Second and Red had to go, too. They can't just sit here. But Red refused. He didn't want to go inside. He was still sitting against the cave walls, not wanting to move. Second tried to make him go, but he still hesitated.

Second crouched down to his eye level.

"Red, please. I know you're scared. We all are. But we're in this together. We're all here for you. I'm here for you. okay?"
he smiled comfortingly, holding out his hand. Red looked down at his hand, sighing before he took it.

he stood up, and they both started following the others.
they yelled out Yellow's name a couple of times before they noticed Yellow standing on the other side of them. and there were a lot of glowing blue things. (ok for context, they're skulk catalysts.) They wanted to call him out, but he immediately made a 'NO' sign using his hands. 'Don't. Move.' He whispered. so they didn't. they froze. And that's when they see the giant, man-eating blind monster known as 'The Warden'. It was wandering around near them. It must've heard the loud yelling they did just moments ago.

looking at the Warden, Red's heart raced. Now, he was even more scared. to make it worse, he's trying to fight the feeling of wanting to follow his first instinct; which is running away from the Warden as fast as he can. Green wasn't any different. The same thing goes for everyone there. The Warden didn't give up on trying to find them. even though Green was the closest one to The Warden, It still hasn't found him. until suddenly, Green's watch beeps. It was enough for the Warden to guess his location. It went to Green. walking slowly. Giving him a scarier feeling than the one he's already feeling right now.

Now, The Warden was just inches away from him. Green held his breath. The Warden stayed there for a few seconds, before turning back slowly. When it walked away, Green accidentally let out a loud exhale, causing the Warden to immediately turn around and chase him. Of course, as any person would do, he immediately ran away, which caused everyone else to move in shock and run as well.

green yelled, which made him an easier target as his friends were running close to him. but then, Blue ran faster than Green.

Blue said while still running.

green couldn't even continue his sentence when it was cut off by The Warden's hungry growl. They agreed to just keep quiet. After a pretty long run. they found a place to hide and stayed in there quietly until The Warden couldn't detect them and walked away. Second opened his phone and tried to call someone, but it didn't work.

"ugh, there's no line here."
Second grunted quietly, so he won't attract the Warden.

"well, maybe that's because we're deep underground?"
Yellow replied to his comment sarcastically.

they started arguing in whispers and Blue stopped them.

"Okay, arguing isn't going to take us anywhere. We need to find a way out of here."

"How? The Warden is guarding our exit!"
Green said, looking at the warden walking back and forth in front of their only exit.

"guys. look."
Red, who was quiet all the time finally spoke. he pointed upwards, showing a small hole that reached the outside.

"Are you suggesting we go in there? because that's impossible."
Blue's comment made Red raise an eyebrow at him.

"what? Of course not. what I'm saying is to make some kind of distress signal. maybe someone will see it."
everyone nodded in understanding. But Yellow quickly started thinking.

"what are we gonna use? we need some kind of flare gun or something. Why would anyone bring that?"

"I did."
Green took out a small flare gun from his waist pocket, giving it to Yellow. Yellow gave him a weird look.

"Why did you bring that?"

"I just keep it in my waist pocket all the time."


Yellow took the gun and pointed it into the hole.

"wait, wouldn't attract the warden?"
Green realized that. he looked at the warden, who still hasn't noticed them yet.

"After I shoot, we run."
Yellow suggested. Everyone agreed. Yellow counted down from 3 and pulled the trigger. The noise made the warden immediately turn its head towards them and chase them as they ran. The flare luckily made it outside and created a distress signal. now all they can do is hope that someone will see it.

* * *

Purple was outside walking in the woods when he saw the flare. He'd never exactly seen one before. he wondered if it was a distress signal. if it was, then he needed to go there fast. something is happing. he ran in the direction of the flare, completely unaware of what he was getting himself into.


hey, guys.
how long was I out?
5 months?
sorry for that.
to be honest, I think my writing got even worse. 
but who cares?
I just want to finish this story.
this chapter looks awfully short. 
I'll try to make at least 2000+ words in the next chapter.
I love you guys.
You guys were understanding when I published the 'sorry' chapter.
you guys are so supportive, you make me cry.
you guys are an important part of my life, even though I haven't met any of you.
love you.

see you in the next chapter, lil charms.

(btw if ur wondering why Tsc and Red are acting so couple-ly it's because they are couples now, I've decided. If you don't like the ship, I'm really sorry!)

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