"New start"

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Pov:Miyu Naomi

I wonder how much longer we're going to drive.. This is getting boring.
If I knew Inarizaki would be so far away, I would have chosen a different school. Oh well, its too late now.
"Ryomeee~! How much longer until we arive at our new place?"
How rude! He doesn't even look at me.
"It still takes a few hours until we arive at our destination."
Still?! But we left so early this morning! And it's already late afternoon! Ugh, that means we won't arive today. Knowing Ryome he won't drive through the night, because
' we ShOulD gEt ReSt'.
Well, at least that gives me more time to search for informations about the boys volleyball team. I want to try and become their manager, but it probably won't be easy.
Ah I found something!
Oh my! This team truly is amazing.
Their captain(Kita)is very pretty but he also looks extremely serious(just like Ryome pff-)
Their ace(Aran)is pretty strong, he looks like a nice person and his big nose is kinda funny.
And their is this middle blocker that looks like a cat(Suna), at least I think so. His blocks are awesome and the way he attacks is also very unique.
I bet he blackmails a lot(I know that kind of face).
Oh and then there are my favorite two people! Atsumu and Osamu! They remind me of my bestfriends younger brothers that I used to babysit(they were also twins). But that isn't what I like about them. It's their playstyle, the way they can attack together is not only strong but also very beautiful to watch. Atsumu is one of the best setters I know and he truly deserves it. I'm so happy I will get to see their games live soon!

Pov: Ryome Sasaki

She's already daydreaming again.
At least I don't have to worry about her talking my ear off(which she always does when she's bored).
I should probably start looking for a hotel where we can spend the night.
Maybe I should turn on the radio.

Ugh I don't like these kind of songs but-
"Ryomeee please let this song play! I really like it~!"
I shouldn't have turned the radio on.
"I gave a second chance to cupid~"
*insert Miyu singing this song*

Pov: 3rd person

After driving for 2 more hours Ryomeee decided it was time to stop at a hotel to spend the night. Ryome always made sure Miyu got the best service possible which meant they were sleeping in a 5* hotel. Miyu didn't mind since Ryome always booked the most expensive hotels and everything when they traveled. She doesn't know why he does this but she also didn't really care.
Miyu just followed Ryome, who just got the keys to their rooms, when he suddenly stopped. She kind of daydreamed so she bumped into him.
"Miyu your room is 1477, my room is in the next corridor the number is 1512 ok?" Miyu was still a little dizzy from bumping into Ryome but quickly chook her head and saluted.
"Yes understood everything you said and I wasn't daydreaming!" Miyu gave him one of her close eye smiles that melted every boys heart.
Ryome, who was used to this gave her her room card, wished her good night and told her to call him if somethings wrong then he left.

Pov: Miyu Naomi

Once I entered my room, I jumped straight onto the bed to check how soft the bed is. It's not bad. I wonder how the social media reacted when Ryome announced that I would take a break from being an idol.
Ah here it is.
'Popular Idol takes a break to continue with school. Which school is unknown to us. A lot of fans show support for the young idol and wish her the best luck, others are truly heartbroken that they won't see their favorite idol on stage for a while.
We hope that you Miyu Naomi will have a great time in your new school.
But don't worry it's already confirmed that after she is done with her school career, she wants to continue her career as our favorite idol!
Now let's move on to the weather-'

Wow I didn't think that many people would support me.. My fans truly are amazing.
Ah, I'm worn out, I hate driving for hours. I should go to sleep soon.
We're going to arive tomorrow evening at our new home and next week will be my first school day!
I'm so excited already.

Pov: Atsumu Miya

For real?! Miyu Naomi won't be live anymore?! But she's my favorite idol!
That's so unfair.
"Hey Tsumu, what up with you?"
"Wah! Samu don't scare me like that!"
He gave me the'you are an idiot face'.
"Here look at this!" I threw his tablet at him. He looked like he wanted to murder me for a second-
"Huh? She's taking a break to finish school?"
"Unbelievable right?!" Samu gave me this look again.
"Actually it's believable. Not everyone wants to be an idiot like you."
That's it! I started to chase him around in the living room. But here was one little thing I forgot. Wouldn't we get a new girl next week?

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