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At first, I thought I was imagining it, but the look on Tanya's face proved that I wasn't. My heart rate increased as I allowed myself to admire her body leaning up against the doorframe so dominantly.

"I didn't realize that you were still interrogating prostitutes at this hour."

Tanya grumbled irritably as I kept my eyes on Cassie. Her legs were covered in black leather leggings, while a black leather jacket covered her white t-shirt. Her hair was down, looking as if it'd been windswept so perfectly. The sound of her heeled boots moving across the carpet was so mesmerizing.

"Seems that way. Although it wouldn't be as much of an interrogation if he's the one begging me to give him more than what you could possibly ever give. You, who's obviously looser than the fucking prostitutes that you mistake me for on the street." Tanya's face was absolutely priceless, immediately making me giggle.

"Watch yourself. You're in a police station, I could have your ass arrested so fast that you wouldn't know what hit you." Cassie threw her head back in laughter.

"Oh, shit, I'm shaking in my boots. However, I wouldn't if I were you. Unless you wanna get cut in the process? I can see the fear in your eyes, it makes you look dreadful."

She winked at her as Tanya darker at her in surprise before leaving my office in a tizzy. I could hear her cussing to herself on the way, up until Cassie shut the door.

"How did you-"

"I've been texting you."

She stated as she took off her jacket, revealing her off-the shoulder white t-shirt. The same black bralette was visible through the thinness of the material. My mouth went dry as she threw herself into one of my guest chairs, letting her feet dangle from the side of it.


It didn't occur to me how she got my number, but when I picked up the phone I saw four messages from a number I didn't recognize, which made sense for her.

"If I'd know you and your girl were busy, I would have come a different time."

She stretched her arms over her head, crossing them behind her to act as a rest.

"She's not my girl. I thought I told you that." Her lips curled into a smirk.

"Well, whatever she is to you, you looked pretty cozy." She glanced over at me before looking forward again.

"Seems like someone's jealous." I commented, hoping to see what she would say to that.

"Ha, jealous? Listen here, Casanova. If I want you, I can have you. No Malibu Barbie is going to scare me."

"How did you even get my number? I don't recall giving it to you." She shrugged her shoulders at my words.

"I have my ways, just as you do."

She closed her eyes for a moment, leaving me to take a moment to observe her position. God, it was so hard to keep myself contained.

Pull it together for fucks sake.

"So this is what a detectives office looks like." I shook away my teasing thoughts and saw that she was now looking around the room,

"I was expecting it to be a bit more...dull."

I chuckled at her words.

"What were you expecting? A prison cell?" I focused back on my computer, checking to see if I had any mistakes on the constructed report.

"Prison cell, detectives office. Same thing."

For a moment it went silent. The sound of my heartbeat could probably be heard through all four corners of this office. I tried to act busy, but busy was the last thing that I was. I heard the sound of her getting up from her chair as her footsteps moved closer.

"Nervous, much?" Her voice was barely above a whisper. I looked up to see her standing over me.

"What would make you say that?" I asked her, turning my focus back on her.

"It's the way you're looking at your computer and refusing to make eye contact with me that gives it away. I like it though. Makes me feel like a predator scoping out her prey."

I rubbed my tongue across my lips as she inched closer. Suddenly, her presence wasn't the only thing bothering me, it was the close proximity between us now. She placed herself in between my legs, letting me bask in her scent. She smelled of leather and roses. The perfect combination for someone of her stature. She grew closer and closer to me until she placed herself on my lap, each leg on either side of me.

My breathing increased with each passing second she was there. Her fingers fiddled with the tie around my neck before I felt it's grip on my neck loosen. Her delicate hands stroked their way down my chest before she fiddled with a few buttons that left my chest open to her. I was feeling the pace of my heart beat faster and faster to the point where it could possibly be seen through my chest.

She trailed her hands up the exposed skin on my chest before dancing vivaciously up my neck and into my hair. Using what she had, she pulled herself closer and closer, letting her lips linger above my lips. I could taste the cherry chapstick that stained her lips from the distance we were at, but I was robbed of my chance when she began to speak,

"Hurry up, Casanova. We have places to be."

She glanced down at my lips before removing herself from my lap and grabbing her jacket, heading out the door. I let out a deep, shaky breath before wrapping my head around the intense moment that was just shared. This woman was going to be the death of me.

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