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I tapped my steering wheel irritably as I waited for the light to turn green. I could see Cassie's headlights in my rear view mirror. I knew that this was a bad idea, but I couldn't let her go. I didn't know why. As soon as the light turned green I immediately stepped on the gas, slowing down not too long after to turn into my parking garage. Cassie followed me in as I wove through the floors to look for empty parking spaces. Luckily, I found two right next to each other.

I put the car in park and stepped out of it to wait for Cassie. She opened her door a couple seconds after me and followed me over to my side. I looked her up and down, taking her in completely. She wore an off-the-shoulder white tee and her denim shorts. Just looking at her in those jean shorts just did something to me, I couldn't help myself.

Damn it, Michael, focus!

I walked with her into the elevator and stayed silent the whole time. She, too, didn't say anything either, making the situation so much more awkward. I tapped my foot as the car slowly rolled to a stop on my floor. We exited the elevator car and walked to my apartment door.

"Thanks." She said quietly as I opened the door, letting her in first.

"Mmhmm." I hummed as I shut the door behind us.

I walked over to the bar cart to grab a whiskey glass, filling it with Jefferson's Reserve. Just the way she liked it before. I handed it to her as I took a seat next to her on the couch,

"Thanks. Again." She tipped her head back and swallowed the liquid in one gulp.

"What is it that you want to tell me?" I said, cutting right to the chase.

"There's a lot. I'm just trying to figure out where to start exactly." I sighed deeply.

"Start from the beginning." She nodded her head.

"Before I tell you anything, I want you to know that I'm telling you all of this in confidence. You can't say anything." I squinted my eyes at her.

"Okay?" She set the glass back down before looking at me.

"For starters, my name is Cassie or Cassandra. I've never told anyone my real name before, especially your friend." I shuddered at the memory of her and him together.

"Why didn't you tell him your real name?" She shook her head.

"At the restaurant, there's a few people that hang around there that are Tobias Jones' people, I didn't want to give my name out because of that. With that being said, this is the one thing I haven't told anyone before..."

She paused with a shaky breath and hesitated for a moment. I almost didn't think she'd say anything. I placed my hand on top of hers and gave it a comforting squeeze.

"It's okay, Cassie. I'm not going to say anything. You can trust me." She bit down on her lip as her hand began to tremble.

"It's not that." She hid her face from me as she played with the shredded denim on her shorts.

"Well, what is it?" I said softly.

"I do trust you. That's the problem."

"I don't understand." I shook my head.

"I trust you, Michael. I want to tell you so much, but I can't." She tore her hand away from me and began to walk toward the door.

"I shouldn't have come here."

"You're right, you shouldn't have. But you know what? You did, so tell me what's going on!" She stopped in her tracks staring at the door before letting her head drop.

"If I tell you any of this, they'll come after you. I can't lose you. I love you way too fucking much to lose you." She loves me. I couldn't believe that all this time she really loves me.

"Y-You love me?" She nodded her head softly.

"Yes. I've loved you for a while, but I couldn't ever admit to myself that being with you was a good idea. They would come after you."

I could hear the sound of her voice breaking and all I wanted to do was console her.

"Who? Parker? Tobias? Quite frankly, I don't care. I love you, Cassie. Hell, I have for a while." A blush crept up my neck and settled on my face.

"But the point is, I'd rather die than let whomever you're talking about hurt you. I just want to know what's going on." I said seriously. She sighed deeply before continuing.

"Tobias Jones is my birth father." She continued to face the door without any sudden movements.

What the fuck?

"Wh-What? Did you just say that-" I was in shock.

"Yes. Tobias Jones is my father." She sighed heavily.

"Now you understand why I don't want you involved?"

I didn't know what to say. This was all so unbelievable. She turned to look at me and I couldn't even meet her eyes.

"I-I don't know what to say." She shrugged her shoulders,

"There's really not much to say. I steer clear of him. We aren't on speaking terms." She wasn't kidding when she said that there was so much to talk about.


"Look, I don't expect you to say anything, but I felt like you should at least know why I'm so fucked up."

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. I walked up to her and pulled her close. I allowed my hand to cup her cheek as I stared into her beautiful iridescent eyes.

"Cassie, you are not fucked up. You are a beautiful person, don't ever say that. Yeah, you've got family problems, but that doesn't matter. Who doesn't have family problems? I love you for who you are as a person." She pulled away from me and took a huge step back, putting a gap in between us.

"That's not even the worst part." She stared off into the distance.

"Then what is?"

She took a deep breath and looked at me for a few moments before she opened her mouth to speak.

"I'm Parker Chandler."

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! WHAT A PLOT TWIST!!! Y'all don't realize how long I've been waiting to post this. Stay tuned ;)

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