Hello Trouble

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I couldn't keep my eyes off of that bartender. Each time she passed by me, I was put into a trance with her scent. She smelled of coconut and vanilla, instantly drawing me in more and more.

"I'll be with you in a second."

There was a hint of a twang in her voice that ran off of her lips like honey. Her hair fell down her back in soft, almost straight, waves. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, which didn't help me in the least when she began to snap her fingers in front of my face to grab my attention,

"You alright there?" She asked. I shook my head to rid myself of my trance.

"Yeah, I'm all good." I cleared my throat cooly as I regained my composure.

"What can I get for you?" She asked as she collected a couple of empty beer bottles from beside of me, tossing them in the garbage can behind her.

"Jack on the rocks, will do for now."

She gave me a curt nod before grabbing a whiskey glass hand filling it with ice. I noticed that there was a tattoo on most visible parts of her body, but I couldn't entirely make them out.

"You're new." She said to me, not taking her eyes off of the glass as she poured the dark whiskey into the glass,

"I guess you could say that." She glanced up at me before topping off the drink and sliding it towards me.

"I'm not used to seeing new people in here." She grabbed a rag to wipe off the residue from the liquid, tossing it over her shoulder once she was done.

"Yeah, well, I was in need of a drink and saw this place was the closest, so here I am."

She nodded her head before walking over to serve another customer. My eyes traced over her body while she was occupied. The way her curves moved as she walked was enough to make a man drop to their knees. And it was obvious with the way other men looked in her direction. She walked back towards my way, making another drink in the process,

"You got a name, Casanova?" I was taken aback by her choice of a nickname.

"Michael. And you?" She continued to work on her masterpiece of a drink,


She kept her eyes on the drink before walking over to the customer that requested it, returning back with a ten dollar bill in hand.

"You work here often?" I asked her, trying to break the ice. She shrugged a shoulder carelessly.

"I guess you could say that."

Her responses were so quick and dry, yet it was still enough to make me want to know more. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard from behind me, followed by a fit of shouting,

"'Scuse me."

She hopped over the counter and rushed over to the two men that were fighting. Stepping in between the two, she pointed at both of them and directed them to the door. The two men looked rather pissed off as they left, but nothing as close as to what Cassie was displaying,

"I don't have time for that shit."

She hopped onto the bar top and slid her way back over to the bar side. That, alone, was quite attractive. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as I broke my stare. I pulled it out discreetly, being careful to not flash my message in front of someone, especially if it was from one of the other detectives. I unlocked my phone to see that it was a message from Mayfield,

Nothing out here yet. Everything good on your end?

I quickly typed up a response.

All good here.

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