A not so normal shift

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No one will ever love me, why? 'cuz i hate people.

And THATS what i say to myself. 
Every DAY.
Every NIGHT.

I left out an sigh. I'm 20 years old and what have i done so far? Nothing. Well, i'm still young and COULD do whatever i want right? - No. Actually... i'm not a smart kid. I skipped most of schooltime back then. Whenever i think about it, it makes me wanna die

"Kazuha? You in there?" i heard someone knocking. "Where should i be?" i said ironiclly. My younger brother Ken opens my door. "*sigh* Don't be like that. I hate it." he said and rolled his eyes. "Sorry for being honest." i mumbled. Ken sits himself down on my bed. "What's wrong with you? Even the girls around here say you're weird. More weird." he asks. I left out an sigh. I don't like the girls around here. They're mean to me. >"Don't you think you should eat less?" - "You hair is ugly." - "Your eyes are like a dead fish."< 

Ken notices my mood change. "Ka-zu-ha~ tell me. Maybe i can help!" he said and shakes my shoulders. "Your the one to talk. You can't help me. Only one who could understand can help. So please leave me alone." i finally told him to leave. "*sigh* Really? I am your brother-" - "HALF Brother. Not the same dad." i cut his words. Ken left out an sigh, again, but leaves. "When you wanna talk about it... you know where to find me." he said with an sad smile. 

This goddamn sad smile.

I rolled my eyes and saw the time. 4 p.m
Time to go to work i guess. 

My face was without any emotion while walking to the train. My Work in an restaurant was in Minato. Maybe i should try to find a place over there. Maybe... Ken would leave me alone. 

Finally peace

This would be awesome. 

half an hour later i arrived at my work. My boss is angry - thank god it wasn't my fault. Someone didn't came to work. "Hey." i said. "FINALLY! You need to be a waitress today. I know you're a bartender buuut please! WE NEED you today as waitress!" my boss said with puppyeyes. My glare was still without any emotion. 


i said and shake my head at the same time. My boss jaw dropped. "Listen Ryuguji, i am your boss and-" - "There is nothing in my working contract to tell me to work other than a bartender." i cut his words with an raised eyebrow. He nodded and left me alone. I wasn't a smart student but i still know about the laws. My feet led me to my locker and i changed into my working outfit. 

A normal black jeans, black blouse and a white vest.
My black hair was in a strong bun and i'm wearing a black mask. It was on my lower face. Just my cat shaped eyes with icy blue eyes could be seen. 

I arrived at my bar. The other Bartender, Koji, told me about everything that happend today. "This bitch, Reiko didn't showed up as promised. I hope you can stay here! I'm not interested in a double shift. Still wondering how it endet up as a high end restaurant." he said annoyed. I nodded. "Same. But yeah, they wanted me to be a waitress." i said. He laughed. "YOU? Ms. no emotion... a waitress?! HAHAHAHA thats a good one. I was serious you know?" he said while whiping his tears away. "I was serious. Boss asked me, but i said no." i said. He looked at me with a shocked face. "You said 'no' to our boss?! Are you insane Ryuguji?" he asked. i shrugged my shoulders. 

Am i? 

Koji suddenly left me alone. But i didn't care about that enough to be upset. Why would anyone wants to talk to a human puppet? - No one, thats correct. A shake my head and looked around. Nothing is missing. Koji had the time to refill everything, so it's a bad day. Good day for me - no socialising~ 

"Ryuuuuguji!" i head my boss. "What now?" i asked. He looked at me with a horrified expression. "Our Owner, Mr. O'Niel is arriving soon! So please! PLEASE I'M BEGGING! Be NICE! He wants to meet someone in here. They're gonna talk about this stupid Yakuza gang that showes up every second day." he told me. I nodded. "Fine. I try my best to be silent." i said. "GOOD! DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TO SAY ANYTHING!! WE WILL LOSE EVERYTHING!" he nearly yelled. "Ok i get it!" i said annoyed. He was surprised to se an expression on my face but didn't say anything. He left me alone. Finally! 

8:30 p.m

I saw our american owner entering our restaurant ASMODEUS. He was an eldery man, a bigger one. He looked like an stereo typical american - not so fun for every other american who wasn't like this. But hey... everyone has its stereo typical kind right? I didn't left my bar alone to greet him. "Howdy!" he said to me. I bowed down. "Good evening." i said. Inside me i was suprised - he was southern american? 

"Let me get a... craft beer darling." he said with an lustful smile. I nodded and made it for him. Simple - just a bottle to pour in a glas. "Here you go sir." i said. "Thank you darling. OH! Those guys i'm talking to later... get them everything they want. It's on house." he told me. I bowed down as reply. He laughed at my respond but i'll say nothing. 

Stupid american. 
it's fucking typical as japanese to bow! 

He walked up to his place. My Boss had a conversation with him. Who cares what they're talking about. I cleaned my place. Just as i finished it - i heard many motorcyles outside. But those Yakuzas don't drive them. But gangs do. Don't tell me he is asking a GANG to help against YAKUZAS!? I raised an eyebrow. Who am i to care about that? Just do your job Kazuha! 

The entrance opened up and a huge guy with some of his members came in. Blond hair, tied up in a bun, sides like my bankaccount - blank. And a tattoo in his face. His yellow eyes had a menancing expression. His whole persona had a intimidating atmosphere. 

His members were a bit intimidating too. A guy with a scare on his eye catched me. He was more noticibal than the others. I tried to shake my fear off. Just. Do. Your. Job.

A waitress called Ayumi and our head waitress Mrs. Yamakura, who is the wife of my boss, walked up to their table. I'm waiting for the order. Probaly all beer type of guys. Should be easy. "Ryuguji!-" - "Beer?" - "... yes." me and Ayumi had to good conection. I did as fast as i could these beers. "They're so... scary!" she whispered. I hummed without looking at her. "So glad you're here... safe." she whispered again. "I know how to respond. I'm not a waitress." i told her. She nodded. "You'd be terrible!" she laughed and left with the order. So i cleaned everything... again.

Luckly my bar was further away and i didn't catched what they're saying. My life's most importand rule is: The less i know, the less i can tell the police. And THIS was fucking right! I mean. I know what Ken is up to but i don't his buddys. Ayumi ran up to me. "Ryuuuguuuuji~ I need a... a... what is this called?" she whispered. Her writing is fucking terrible. "I can't read that shit." i whispered back. She is panting in fear. I saw that this huge tank of a man is looking in our way. "What did he say?" i asked her. "I-I don't remember.." she whispered. My eye twitched. "What... do you mean?! He told you not a minute ago!" i said a bit angry. She teared up. 

such a fucking crybaby.

I rubbed my tembles. Than i saw how this massive guy came up to us. "What's taking so long?" he asked. His voice was menancing. Ayumi shiveres. "I'm sorry. But what did you order?" i asked him without any emotion. His vein popped up - so he's an choleric person. "Vodka-coke." he hissed. I bowed and made it up. As he grasped his glas - our eyes locked together. His grin was fucking horrifying! But i won't let him see my fear. He chuckles and walked back. 

"You're so brave!" Ayumi says while whiping her tears away. "Me? No. I'm fucking intimidated by him. Just don't let him know that." i told her. She nodded and walked off. Maybe Ken knows who this is. Oh wait. Nevermind. I don't wanna know. 

After an hour they seem to be finished. Mr. O'Niel and this huge delinquent came back to me. "Oh darling, give this man a bottle of vodka." he orders. I bowed down and searched for a closed Vodka. "Here." i simply said and reached out to him. He took my arm and bowed down to me. "You're dead inside aren't you?" he said. Again, our eyes locked each others. "I'm sorry but i don't quite understand. I got a heartbeat. So i guess i'm alive." i whispered. His grin went wider. "Barely." he said and let go off me. 

For fucks sake, why did he bring that up?! 

They walked out and my shift wasn't enjoyable at all. Nothing happend and i locked everything to finally get home. 

Out of this fucking social thing.

~ A Monsters Love ~ TERANO x OC (Tokyo Reverngers)Where stories live. Discover now