"Since when do you hate me so much?!"-Ken

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Why should i be alive. Nothing here is importand to me.

A call woke me up. It was fucking 9 a.m! 

Me: "WHAT?!" 
Koji: >> "Good morning Ryuguji. Sorry to call at this time. But i... i can't come to work. So you need to make a double shift. Don't worry - you get double money." <<
Me: "What the FUCK? Koji, since when do you call in for sickness?" 
Koji: >> "Well... i.... i kinda broke my leg... and arm." << 

A moment of silence 

Me: "How. Just... how?!" 
Koji: >> "Well, i... fell a few staires down you know? That can happen! I will be back in like... six or seven weeks." << 
Me: "No. I don't work this long double!" 
Koji: >> "Noo don't worry! Just today ok? Boss is already scouting!" <<
Me: "*sigh* fine. See you in a few months." 
Koji: >> "You're actually a sweetheard~ thank you! Bye~" << 

Koji hung up. I shake my head. He was never sick. So why now? He never fall down, at least i never saw anything. But okay. Maybe he did fall down. Did i say 'get well' to him? ó.ò 

Whatever, i got up and made me ready for the day. Just in time as i got dressed up Ken knocked and came in. "Morning, you work in Minato right? Can you get infor-" - "No." i cut him off. Whatever he wants - i don't care and won't do shit for him. Ken blinked a few times irritated. "You don't even know what i was about to ask?!" he said annoyed. "Just no. I don't want to be involved in your little delinquent life. I'm trying to be normal you hear?" i said and walked off. Leaving him alone in my room. 

He follows me down this brothel

"Kazuha! Please! Since when do you hate me so much?!" he said. His tone wasn't annoyed or angry... it was more... sad? I stopped walking. He almost ran into me. I turned around, with no expression on my face. "Do you really want an answer?" i asked. He nodded. 

Do i really hate Ken? 
He is my younger brother... 
But do i got a reason to hate him? 

"Ken. You're a fucking delinquent. Instead of trying to be a good person - you're a wanna be gangster. You will die young. And i don't get WHY?! So leave me alone as long as you're a delinquent. Those are worth nothing!" 

after i told him that, i immidiatly left him staying there. Was i to hard on him? Naah, he wanted it. So he can handle it. While walking to the train station i saw a few delinquents called Tokyo Manji. This looks Ken's outfit. Was he part of that? Doesn't ma- 

*bumping into a person and fall on my ass* 

"Are you okay?" this person asked. "Tz, who cares." i said and got up. It was a teenager with blonde hair and big blue eyes. They don't have the glare of an delinquent. Is he really one of Tokyo Manji? 

"Takemitchy! You ok- Kazuha?" Ken said while walking up. "You know her? I ran into her! Hope you're okay." this younger one said. Why does he care? "Just don't block my way again." i said and walked away. Leaving them behind without looking back. 


Ken yelled. For whatever reason i really stopped and looked back. A few of his gangmembers came up to me. "You're bleeding." Ken said and pointing on my hip. It's really bleeding. Did i fall onto something. "I'm fine. Get lost. I got work to attend." i said annoyed. A small blonde guy walked up. "Ken-chin said you hate him. How you dare. He is a nice person." he said to me. His expression was blank... like mine. Will i respond to this small idiot? Nah - they fire me if i come late. I simply shake my head and left out an sigh. 

"For the last time. Leave. Me. Alone."  

i hissed at my brother. Instead of doing like i said, Ken hold my hand. "It's still bleeding. Please let me help you once." he calmly said. My eye twitched. Is he really stupid or is he pretenting? "No. I'll wipe it away at work. So... would you mind leaving me alone." i said in a strict tone. Ken didn't move. His small idiot friend reached out to me. "

"Don't you even dare to touch me. Delinquent."

i hissed. Everyone froze and looked me dead in the eye. The atmosphere changed. It was more tense than before. Ken legt out an sigh. He looked around and finally to me. Something is telling me... he'll so something stupid. "Guys, this is-" - "A Person who'll get fired if she won't atend work!" i cut him off. He let go off me and i ran away. 


While waiting for the train - i got a message - 

~ new message ~

From: Ken

Do you really hate me this much? I wanted to interduce you to my friends. They're good people. We not like other delinquents. Why won't you let me show it to you? We're family... by blood. We have no one besides us. And they're my other family - not by blood - but still like a family we never had. Please Kazuha, give them a change. 

~ end of message ~

How dare he to tell me THAT?!

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