Back to work, back to South

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"Reina? I don't know her well enough to say anything. Why do you ask?"

*4 p.m* 

It was a week after being at South's headquarter. He never responded to my message. So i think he was mad at me. Hopefully he won't be here today. This is my first day at work after being called sick. 

I was in our lockerroom. While making my bun i sniffed a certain smell. 


This woman is the definition of a Bitch! Whenever she got a chance to insult someone, she takes it. I hate her from the depth of my heart. My head turned around. She was standing still and looking at me. Her evil grin was no where to be ignored. I'm here victim today. Great news. "Hey Ryuguji. Looking dead at always. You rock that look, did someone ever told you that?" she said. I decided to ignore her and got out of there. 

As i arrived at my bar. My boss was smiling. "Welcome back Kazuha! You feeling good?" he asked. i nodded. "Great! Reina is back too. We're finally back to old power." he said and showed me a new card. It was a new cocktail menu. Thanks to my education i knew every cocktail. "Okay. How's Koji?" i asked. My boss sighed. "He feeling okay. Koji said he hates to be home while you're on your own. I told him that you're fine." my boss said. I nodded. Than he left me alone at my place. 

*6 p.m*

We were fully booked and i had to do actual work! How surprising. Guess our Yakuza problem was gone. Will Rokuhara Tandai leave us or staying here? I didn't had time to think about that. Every waiter/ress wanted something. Even guests came to me! They didn't wanna wait any longer to order. 

Maybe that's why South isn't in here. 
He can't scare our guests... 

"Excuse me, can i get a bloody mary?" a elderly woman asked. I bowed and made one. In the corner of my eye i saw a guy in the uniform like South walking towards me. The woman didn't saw him and left with a smile. I looked at him. He had blonde hair, hanging loose in his face. Sharp black eyes and a stiched scar on his lip down to his chin. "How can i serve you?" i asked. He smiled.... like an maniac. "You're the cool bartender aren't you? I'm outside getting thristy... give me a beer." he said. I bowed and gave him what he wanted. He was still looking in my eyes. "Rindou was right. You're easy on my eye." he said. 

I'm what? 
Does he mean i'm a easy target?? 

My eyebrow raised into the ceiling. He laughed. "I'm Madarame Shion! Nice to meet ya~" he said. "Kazuha." i told in a dry tone. His smile went into a serious expression. "You're the one South told us about! Oh girl~ what did you got yourself into~ haha... see ya around." Madarame said while leaving. 

South told them about me?
W-What did he told them?! 
Am i in danger? 

I sighed in my head and cleaned my place. Just don't think about him. I'm still at work! Reina walked up to me with a huge order. "Did you saw these delinquents outside? I know them~" she said. I tried not to laugh. Maybe she knows them, but i hardly doubt she knew South well enough. Even i don't know much! And i survived his presence. "Good for you. Here is your order." i said and gave her four cocktails. "Are you mocking me?! Let me break it to you... i could destroy your life." she laughed and waved her hand. "Nevermind, you don't got a life. I know it!" she said and walked off. 

Did she really think THATS a proper insult? 

I shook my head in disbelief. Is she really that dumb... please lord, if you exist, don't let her get kids! She more than enough stupidity for the world. A sigh got out of me. 

*8:45 p.m*

I stood at the backdoor and sipped on my waterbottle. 
No one interruppting. 

~ A Monsters Love ~ TERANO x OC (Tokyo Reverngers)Where stories live. Discover now