2) dinner

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Today Jisoo went out of the house for the first time in a while, to visit one of her favourite artists exhibition. Jinyoung cleaned the apartment some more in the mean time.

Today he wanted to go through the things in the solarium, partly because she wasn't there and he could look anywhere without feeling guilty. He knew she allows him to though.

On his cleaning journey he found some old sketchbooks from high school time, when they met each other. Those were filled with mainly sketches of classmates, teachers, her surroundings and himself.

the sketchbooks she kept during college weren't much different, well except from Seokjin. They dated that time.

And an unfamiliar sketchbook appeared behind the other ones, it read "Seokjin" in the corner. He must've gifted it. Jinyoung wasn't sure whether he should go through this one since it wasn't hers and more privat. He knew he should get permission But she wasn't home.

Then again, she would most likely allow it, she has nothing to hide. Jinyoung didn't end up looking inside, cherishing privacy.
The next note read "dedicated to my love - from my heart", that one he didn't even touch and let it sit on the shelf deciding to wrap his admiration session up.


Jisoo didn't return for 7h, but when she came home home she immediately was wrapped in a tight hug.

"What took you so long? I missed you"
" oh this and that..."
"Tell me everything. How was the exhibition?"
"It was thrilling. I really enjoyed it. I don't know how to describe it... but after the exhibit i went to a bookstore. That was mainly the reason why it took me so long. It really is overwhelming, so many interesting things to read. It would have taken me longer if I wasn't reminded of you waiting for me."
"Next time take your time, i am fine on my own"
"What did you do while I was gone?"
"I cleaned the solarium a bit and looked through your old sketchbooks"
"Oh, that's embarrassing "
"Don't say that, you were always a great artist"
"Thank you for the support"
"Let's go out for dinner today, my treat"
"What do you have in mind?"
"Hm,... how about steak and wine?"
"Sounds expensive "
"But good. Come on once in a while?"
"I'll make a reservation, be ready by 7pm"


"Btw, i didn't get to explain why I couldn't come visit you sooner"
"It's fine, you don't have to tell me."
"No, i want to. I think you'll be happy"
"So what is it?"
"My moms condition got worse before the surgery, so I wanted to be there you know?"
"Oh, is she better?"
"Definitely, Jisoo, you won't believe how happy and relieved I am. The surgery was successful and she's better than ever"
"That's great to hear, I'll make sure to call her soon."
"And thank you for looking after her that one week i had to be overseas"
"No problem, really. We had fun, she told me all sorts of stories about you when you where younger"

The memory brought out a laughter.

"I hope they could entertain you. I should tell my mom not to tell around my embarrassing stories"


"Do you think this looks good for the occasion?"
"For sure"
"Good that i kept this."
"Random question, Is this the only dress you own?"
"Yes, i usually wear suits for my exhibitions and meetings, other than that I don't do fancy stuff"
"Didn't you ever go to fancy places on dates?"
"That's why Seokjin gifted me this dress, i would always wear this when it was somewhere fancy. But I mostly ate steak at yours, i didn't have to look fancy"
"So it's from Seokjin..."
Jinyoung mumbled


"Madame, Sir, how is the steak?"
"It's delicious, thank you"
"I will bring more water then"


"Jinyoung, I'll go to the restroom. I'll be right back"


(Jisoo Kim)

" SooK?"

Jisoo turned around upon hearing her pseudonym.

"I apologise, i never got to officially introduce myself. My name is Jung Hyein. I am one of your sponsors"
"I did hear about you. I am grateful of you supporting my work sir."

She bowed politely.

"And I am grateful to you for creating such amazing pieces. They make my day"
"I am flattered to hear that."
"Do you mind joining me for a drink later? Or are you with an Accompaniment?"
"I'm afraid so."
"Here is my business card and personal number. You can text me, I'll be honoured to meet sometime soon"
"I will, thank you"
"And if I may note, this dress suits you, i don't recall ever see you wear one"
"Thank you, i believe I do not wear dresses often."
"Good further evening "
"Good evening Mr. Jung"


"Are you okay?"
"Yes, why?"
"You took 25 minutes, i was getting worried"
"Oh, i met a Sponsor, what a coincidence"
"Truly. What did you talk about?"
"Not much, he introduced himself and handed me his contact. Now that I think about it, he is my biggest sponsor actually. He was always at my exhibits and regularly orders custom paintings as further support."
"That's a granted income"
"Ya, sponsors are also human don't talk as if he's walking money"
"He is"
"Maybe a tiny bit"
"You're too humble"
"There's nothing wrong with it"
"I didn't say that"

He answered playfully.


"How did you like it?"
"It was excellent. Especially the wine"
"Let's head out"
"I'd like to pay"
W "Here's your check sir."
"Thank you, and can I get todays bottle of wine?"
W "a moment sir"
"You don't have to Jinyoung"
"It's fine"
W "I am glad you liked it. Have a safe way home. Sir, Madame"

The waiter bowed and escorted both to the entrance.

"Thank you Jinyoung "

"We meet again"
"Mr. Jung"

Jisoo bowed

"Good evening."

Hyein said smiling kindly to Jinyoung, who nodded politely in return.

"How was your dinner?"
"It was great. This restaurant is truly amazing"
"That's what I am thinking. See you, my colleagues are waiting. I excuse myself"
"Yes. Have a safe ride home"
"I will"

"Jinyoung, should we call a taxi? "
"I'm still sober. I didn't have much wine, also that was some hours ago"
"Also true. But let's drive slowly. We don't want your mother to worry"
"Right. And most importantly I want you to be safe"

Paint you naked //Hyesoo ffWhere stories live. Discover now