To Soap or Not to Soap

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Cassie's POV

I hate fighting with Noah, it is even worse when it becomes Wyatt and Mandy too. We all get along so well most of the time. It is actually rare for the four of us to fight. Here we are, yelling at each other over whether or not to give a child soap as a punishment for bad language or disrespectful language.

I was fortunate that my parents were against soap for the most part. The few times he did do soap or let Uncle Paul do soap on me had been the worst times. I really don't want Noah to do that to our daughter.

""Dad, tell Noah how wrong soap is" I tried to rope my dad in.

"Cassandra May do not try to get me to side with you. You and Noah are the parents here, you have to talk about discipline and if you don't agree with something you both have to compromise to make sure you stay a united front. The worst thing you two could do is allow your difference of opinions interfere with your discipline. That leaves the children in charge, not the adults."

I sighed knowing my dad was right. "Noah, I do understand why you think Ally deserves soap but that punishment is not one she has ever had"

"Cassie, I am not saying soap always needs to be the punishment, Ally, said that word in front of Brad and in front of Daisy. Both of them told her not to repeat it. This is the first time she has sworn as far as we know, so I really want to set a boundary with her, that cursing will not be tolerated."

Kenny nodded at Cassie and I, telling us he would leave us to further discuss the issue. It didn't take long for us to agree. Ally would get soap today as punishment and we will have a long talk with her about appropriate speech.

I had taken her out of timeout a while ago and made her lay down and take a nap. Noah sat on the side of her bed rubbing her arm and calling her name softly until she woke up.

"Sit up sweet pea we need to talk about a few things" Noah helped her sit up and I sat on the other side of her.

"Allison, there are two separate things we need to talk about. The first being, your refusal to clean your room. I am not going to let cleaning your room become a fight we are constantly having. I will keep taking your toys away and if you keep acting stubborn about cleaning? Then I will give your toys to another little girl that will take care of them better"

Allison started sobbing "No, daddy, I promise I will clean up. Please don't give my barbies away" she begged.

"I am going to keep what I took from you for a couple days and then I will give it back, but if you do this again I will find your barbies a new home, understood?" Noah raised his eyebrow at her and her big green eyes were open wide as she nodded.

"Allison, please answer with your words" Noah was so much like my dad, answering when being questioned was always expected, nodding, and shaking of your head never went over well.

"Yes, sir" Ally wiped the tears off her cheeks.

"For refusing to clean up your room after several chances, you will be getting a spanking for disobeying. When momma tells you to do something you listen, the first time young lady, do you understand me?"

"Yes sir. I'm sorry momma" she hugged me. I patted her back before Noah sat her on the bed again to continue our talk. Noah nodded at me and I took over talking.

"Allison, I did not hear the bad words you said, however I understand that you repeated them in front of Brad and in front of Daisy. Both of them told you not to say that again. I am very disappointed that you chose to keep using that bad word. Your father and I have talked about it and before daddy spanks you for disobeying, he is going to put soap in your mouth. I really hope this is the first and last time this has to be done."

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