Author's note

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Hi so before you read this it would be best if you watched the movie first because it'll all make a lot more sense if you've watched the movie. I'm not very proud of the fake name I gave Nico but I'm keeping the plot as close as possible to the actual movie as I can. Also pascal is now Mary Ann my OC a daughter of Frey brought to camp by Magnus and Alex (I plan to write that story soon). I know I should be working on the quest but the plot line I had just disappeared so until I can think of a new plot line i just can't continue it. Idk if I can and/or will stick to the time traveling bit but I am almost finished with the first real chapter. I also have a half finished chapter that like idk how but it's the kind of chapter to go near the end of the book. For the interactive one I need more opinions before I start to work on the first chapter. 

Solangelo Tangled AUWhere stories live. Discover now