Chapter one

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This is the story of how I died.

Now it's actually a very interesting story. Its not even mine it's a story about a boy named William.


Once upon a time there was a kingdom called Helios. The people of Helios worshipped the sun god Apollo and where ruled by queen Naomi a kind and generous queen who always did what was right. The sun god took a liking to Naomi and blessed her with a child with magical powers from the sun.

For a moment all was perfect. Then that moment ended. A man broke into the castle and took the prince. Naomi called for guards but the man was already gone and had taken William with him.

The royal guards searched through the entire forest but they couldn't find the prince. However Nero had hidden the prince in a magically concealed tower.


"Daddy why can't I go outside?"

"The world is full of dangerous, greedy people my flower. I just wish to keep you safe" Nero said brushing Will's long hair

"Okay daddy"

But the walls of the tower only kept out so much. Every year on Will's birthday the twenty third of August after Nero went to bed Will would sneak over to the window and watch the lanterns fly up into the sky. Will liked to think that they where for him.


Will flung the widow open "now where could Mary Ann be?" He said looking at the pots of hyacinths on the windowsill. "Well I guess she's not out here" he said starting to walk away. Then he quickly tugged on a lock of his hair lifting his mouse companion up in the air. (A/N: cuz yk Apollo's animal is a mouse?)

"Well that's twenty two to me. Wanna do twenty three outa forty five?"

The mouse shook her head

"Well what do you want to do?"

Mary Ann pointed her tail at the fields outside of the tower.

"You know we can't go out there Anne. I like it in here and so do you" he said scooping up the mouse in his hands and walking back inside the tower.

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